Thursday, 27 January 2022

Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water
(credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)

Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

The rivers cover several following countries:

- Brazil
- Peru
- Bolivia
- Venezuela
- Guyana
- Colombia
- Ecuador

Fig 02- Plants in the city garden

Fig 03- Sky at outside my city

Fig 04- Our jogging area, just for illustration

The pink dolphins population in the world were estimated 9,000 only, and killed around by 3,000 per year.

Population mainly in the amazon rivers. Hence, Amazon rain forest fires may reduce population even further.

Yes, we have pink dolphins in a Louisiana river, USA. The dolphin is called as “pinkie.”

The pinkie was spotted first time in the river of Calcasieu, Louisiana by river ship captain, Erik Rue in 2015.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact number of dolphin population as of today.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Muy buenas noches feliz fin de semana. Besotes muchos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

      Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

    2. Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  2. Well, I never knew that there are pink dolphins until I read your nice post, wish you happy end of the week

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

    2. Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  3. Olá amiga.
    Mais uma ótima partilha aqui nos deixas.
    Também desconhecia que esta espécie de golfinho existia.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- Our jogging area, just for illustration

      The pink dolphins population in the world were estimated 9,000 only, and killed around by 3,000 per year.

      Population mainly in the amazon rivers. Hence, Amazon rain forest fires may reduce population even further.

      Yes, we have pink dolphins in a Louisiana river, USA. The dolphin is called as “pinkie.”

      The pinkie was spotted first time in the river of Calcasieu, Louisiana by river ship captain, Erik Rue in 2015.

      Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact number of dolphin population as of today.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 2- Cardiovascular 2
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 2 – Food 9
      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 3 - Cardiovascular 2

    2. Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  4. Es lamentable que por intereses espurios, se deteriore el medio ambiente con talas y quemas indiscriminadas, la racionalidad se pierde en aras de afanes económicos. !Cuan triste resulta todo¡.
    Un saludo

    1. Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  5. We must do more for the protection of the animals and the environment.
    First of all no more hunting!
    Have a great week end.

    1. agree with you...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

    2. Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  6. Hola no conozco mucho sobre delfines, no sabia lo del color, sería importante cuidar y conservar a todas las especies.
    Feliz fin de semana

  7. It's friend and more and more animals are being threatened.
    There is a lot of talk and little action.

    Have an excellent weekend.

    Kiss and take care

    1. yes, indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

      Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

  8. I didn't know there were pink dolphins, we are always learning, thanks for sharing.
    It is important to preserve nature, but unfortunately, too much is said and little is done.

    1. agree with you...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

  9. Gostei da sua publicação!! :)
    Beijos. Bom fim de semana!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- Our jogging area, just for illustration

      The pink dolphins population in the world were estimated 9,000 only, and killed around by 3,000 per year.

      Population mainly in the amazon rivers. Hence, Amazon rain forest fires may reduce population even further.

      Yes, we have pink dolphins in a Louisiana river, USA. The dolphin is called as “pinkie.”

      The pinkie was spotted first time in the river of Calcasieu, Louisiana by river ship captain, Erik Rue in 2015.

      Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact number of dolphin population as of today.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 2- Cardiovascular 2
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 2 – Food 9
      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 3 - Cardiovascular 2

  10. Olá,.adorei a partilha.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

      Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

  11. Que lindos deben ser esos delfines rosados.... Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

      Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

  13. The murder of these animals is a heinous crime... When will the rulers learn to respect the forests?!
    They tear them down for profit and get poorer and poorer.
    I liked your 'post'... It's like a wake-up call.
    Thank you. Greetings

    1. that happen everywhere: poor be poorer....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  15. No tenía ni idea de que había delfines rosados.
    Ahora sí.

  16. Olá amiga.
    Passei por aqui, para desejar uma ótima semana com muita saúde.

    Mário Margaride

  17. Verdade, amigo: é preocupante a ameaça ao meio ambiente, que vemos por aqui. Mas gostei de saber que por aí também existem os golfinhos cor de rosa! Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

  18. Olá amiga, passando para desejar uma li da noite e um feliz mês de Fevereiro para você e sua família.


  19. I've seen pink dolphins in an island resort in Singapore. It saddened me that they were kept in captivity.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. glad.....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

      Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

  20. Interesante. que necesario es cuidar las especies en este planets. Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water

      (credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)
      Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

      Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

      The rivers cover several following countries:

      - Brazil
      - Peru
      - Bolivia
      - Venezuela
      - Guyana
      - Colombia
      - Ecuador

  21. Qué bonitos son.
    Gracias por compartir. Besicos.

  22. As fotos dos lugares são todas agradáveis. Esse golfinho cor de rosa é lindo!


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...