Thursday, 2 December 2021

What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

I call “late autumn,” because our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana just get the stage that leaves colors changing, and some leaves of trees start to fall down in the late November or early December this year .

Fig 01- Colorful autumn leaves

while in the northern parts of America the falling snow piled up more than 8.5 inches, and even snowstorm in several states

Top 10 snowiest states in the USA are following:

- Vermont
- Maine
- New Hampshie
- Colorado
- Alaska
- Michigan
- New York
- Massachusetts
- Wyoming
- Wisconsin

Fig 02- Trees in the corner of a park

Fig 03- Leaves changing colors from green to brown to red

Fig 04- One corners of my town during autumn season

Fig 05- Fall leaves

Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

I don’t know why.

This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Los colores del otoño son hermosísimos.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

      I call “late autumn,” because our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana just get the stage that leaves colors changing, and some leaves of trees start to fall down in the late November or early December this year .

    2. What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

  2. Olá, amiga!
    Todas as cores outonais são belas. E estas que aqui nos trazes, são o exemplo disso mesmo.
    Excelente partilha!

    Continuação de boa semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 01- Colorful autumn leaves

      while in the northern parts of America the falling snow piled up more than 8.5 inches, and even snowstorm in several states

      Top 10 snowiest states in the USA are following:

      - Vermont
      - Maine
      - New Hampshie
      - Colorado
      - Alaska
      - Michigan
      - New York
      - Massachusetts
      - Wyoming
      - Wisconsin

    2. What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

  3. Que hermoso es el otoño, en cualquier parte del mundo. Buen fin de semana. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

    2. What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

  4. Que linda naturaleza la que nos ofreces. Abrazos y felices sueños.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 01- Colorful autumn leaves

      while in the northern parts of America the falling snow piled up more than 8.5 inches, and even snowstorm in several states

      Top 10 snowiest states in the USA are following:

      - Vermont
      - Maine
      - New Hampshie
      - Colorado
      - Alaska
      - Michigan
      - New York
      - Massachusetts
      - Wyoming
      - Wisconsin

    2. What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

  5. Gosto do final do outono
    Igualmente como o amigo
    Pois nesse tempo eu consigo
    Sentir que já é dono
    Da atmosfera e o sono
    No arvoredo inicia
    Com cores quentes da fria
    Estação e coloridas,
    As folhas perdem suas vidas
    E caem colorindo a via.

    Bela postagem. Abraço fraterno. Laerte

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  6. Autumn is wonderful, I love the season!
    Happy December.
    A hug.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 01- Colorful autumn leaves

      while in the northern parts of America the falling snow piled up more than 8.5 inches, and even snowstorm in several states

      Top 10 snowiest states in the USA are following:

      - Vermont
      - Maine
      - New Hampshie
      - Colorado
      - Alaska
      - Michigan
      - New York
      - Massachusetts
      - Wyoming
      - Wisconsin

  7. Me encantan esos colores de Otoño. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  8. Hola, el otoño tiene unos bonitos colores.
    Feliz fin de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 01- Colorful autumn leaves

      while in the northern parts of America the falling snow piled up more than 8.5 inches, and even snowstorm in several states

      Top 10 snowiest states in the USA are following:

      - Vermont
      - Maine
      - New Hampshie
      - Colorado
      - Alaska
      - Michigan
      - New York
      - Massachusetts
      - Wyoming
      - Wisconsin

  9. In south of Portugal, we are with similar temperatures, but with northerly winds, the temperature drop.
    The trees are more undressed It never snows ...
    Appear on he blog 'A Vivenciar'... Have a weekly publication. You will like it.
    Have a nice December, Rainbow.

    1. glad to know temperature in your place...

      Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  10. El otoño es la estación del año que más me gusta. Por su colorido: amarillos, ocres, naranjas... Las hojas caídas como alfombras en las calles y por sus aires nostálgicos como el otoño de la vida.
    Have a nice December, Rainbow.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  11. Los colores del otoño... Precioso!

  12. Autumn is beautiful is the season par excellence for its colorful and constrastes of the painters, here, in the south of Spain where I live has already passed the autumn almost completely, the trees are without leaves and the winter looks aya with low temperatures during the night and a half by day.
    Best regards.

    1. You right.... So quick autumn over in South Spain compared to our area...

      Thanks to visit my blog
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15
      Fig 06- Fall in front of coffee shop.

      Yes, temperature dropped below 0 degree Celsius (320 F) at night at the end of November this year (2021), but no snow yet.

      Daylight temperature could reach 150 C (590 F). A quite nice weather for me.

      You might wonder the different between night and day temperature is quite huge, about 15 degree Celsius.

      I don’t know why.

      This is typical southern part of USA. Many people got sick due to temperature different.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Snowy Owl Re-Appearing after Hiding for 130 years – Nature 3
      - Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1
      - How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

    2. What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

  13. lovely autumn What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15

    1. Thanks to comments-
      What Autumn is Like in My Town Baton Rouge LA – Part 1 - Nature 15


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...