Monday, 20 December 2021

The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1

Claire believe it depends on how we talk to him, they always try to turn his attention into another one, and keep him with the activities that he able to do it.

Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

He wandered and did flip the time.

He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

Spring, I didn't meet Claire. 

Fig 02- A book cover, illustration

Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
2) He has difficulty to swallow.
3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
4) He has infection of pneumonia.
5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
6) Hospice is taking care of him.
7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

# Previous postings:


  1. Alzheimer is a very serious disease, the first symptoms must not be neglected.
    You have beautiful flowers in your garden.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      You may read the previous posting (Part 1):
      - The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 1

      Claire believe it depends on how we talk to him, they always try to turn his attention into another one, and keep him with the activities that he able to do it.

  2. Todas las enfermedades son malas, pero, la que mencionas en esta entrada, llega a anularte como persona y es muy triste no llegar a reconocer a todos aquellos que te rodean y quieren.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  3. Qué enfermedad más triste.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1

  5. Very informative sharing, early awareness could help hopefully. Beautiful flower in your garden. Have a great day.

  6. Gracias por la información. Saludos amiga. Felices Fiestas Navideñas.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  7. Now, I cried because my father died from this disease and the symptoms matched. He also had kidney and heart failure. He suffered a lot and has been an angel since July 2020. I miss him so much.
    Merry Christmas, 🎅🎄❤️🕊️💫

    1. sorry to hear... may God bless your dad...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  8. Qué duro debe ser tener a un familiar con esa enfermedad.

  9. My mom has Alzheimer and it's heartbreaking to see her declining.

    Love the beautiful flowers in your garden.

    1. sorry to hear...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  10. As we say around here God frees us from those evil and destructive diseases of people.
    Merry Christmas.
    Best regards.

    1. Ameen...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  11. Una información a tener en cuenta. Gracias por compartirla. Te deseo unas felices fiestas y un nuevo año lleno de ilusión. Abrazos.

  12. It is a horrible disease... I wish they find an effective treatment to cure it... Thank you for the information.
    Merry Christmas :)

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  14. Its a serious disease.

    The holiday season isn't about gifts, it's about presence. The most important thing we can offer to others is our attention, our true friendship and our unconditional love, so that we can radiate light and warmth to those around us. I wish your Christmas to be bright with joy, light with love, full of harmony and full of peace.
    Kisses, my dear friend.

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      You may read the previous posting (Part 1):
      - The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 1

      Claire believe it depends on how we talk to him, they always try to turn his attention into another one, and keep him with the activities that he able to do it.

  15. Beautiful mind is one of my favorite movies

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  16. Muchas gracias por tu visita
    Felices fiestas
    cuidatq mucho

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  17. Una enfermedad terrible que te va alejando de tus seres queridos poco a poco... borrándolo todo.

    Muchas gracias por compartir.

    Te deseo una muy feliz Navidad.

  18. Olá amiga!
    Passando para desejar um Feliz e abençoado Natal para você e sua família.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 01- Illustration only (credit to Google)

      He wandered and did flip the time.

      He sleeps tightly at day time and awake at all night long.

      It was a little hard when he insisted to get out of house in the middle night to go church for Mass.

      Every time he want to go church, he tried to get up, pulled the handle door, but the door had been locked and he kicked the door, screamed that he would be late to go Mass.

      Spring, I didn't meet Claire.

  19. A terrible disease, I know it well because my father had it.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    1. sad to hear...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1
      Fig 03- Lily flowers in the garden


      I heard from Claire that his uncle in the late stage Alzheimer's (Stage 7 or severe decline). Some important signs of the late stage Alzheimer's are:

      1) He lose words and he is not able to talk.
      2) He has difficulty to swallow.
      3) He eat pureed meal and drink thick liquid.
      4) He has infection of pneumonia.
      5) He has trouble in breathing and need breathing treatments.
      6) Hospice is taking care of him.
      7) He behaves well, quite, and calm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

  20. Pasa a desearte unas Felices fiestas.


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