Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

Interestingly, female as well as male have the same changes when they take care the infants.

Fig 01- Decoration, just for fun

The changes in respects to:

- brain regions
- and hormonal activities

Their behavior’s changes to deal with new reality that is development of newborns in term of:

- crying
- hearing
- breathing
- sleeping
- reflexes
- and vision.

Fig 02- A cute rabbit, illustration

Fig 03- Painting by Ruth Stuart, local artist

Fig 04- A horse and baby, painted by Ruth Stuart

Fig 05- A little girl and a baby, painted by Ruth Stuart

However, as suggested by Johnston-Ataata and Kokanovic (2014) that most parents have wrong perceptions about having a new baby:

1) Parents misled by social romantic that are both parents and babies will have strong or perfect bonding instantly.

2) Parenthood is wonderful and joyful life event. The perceptions are totally different with reality sometimes.

# Previous postings:

Johnston-Ataata, K and Kokanovic, R. (2014, October 2). “Most new parents are totally unprepared for their new babies.” Retrieved from Washington Post.


  1. Great post with lovely photos

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      You may read the previous post (Part 1):
      - Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 1 - Science 11

      Interestingly, female as well as male have the same changes when they take care the infants.

    2. Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11

  2. Realmente amiga, nem todos os pais sabem como é forte o vinculo
    que tem com os filhos.
    Um grande post e belíssimas telas.
    Um abraço amiga.

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 01- Decoration, just for fun

      The changes in respects to:
      - brain regions
      - and hormonal activities

      Their behavior’s changes to deal with new reality that is development of newborns in term of:
      - crying
      - hearing
      - breathing
      - sleeping
      - reflexes
      - and vision.

  3. Telas maravilhas, adorei

    Bom feriado.

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 05- A little girl and a baby, painted by Ruth Stuart

      However, as suggested by Johnston-Ataata and Kokanovic (2014) that most parents have wrong perceptions about having a new baby:

      1) Parents misled by social romantic that are both parents and babies will have strong or perfect bonding instantly.

      2) Parenthood is wonderful and joyful life event. The perceptions are totally different with reality sometimes.

      # Previous postings:

      - Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 2 - Reading 1
      - Summer, be aware with Traveler's Diarrhea – Healthy Life 7
      - Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      - Oyster is One of Favorite Seafood in Louisiana – Food 2

      Johnston-Ataata, K and Kokanovic, R. (2014, October 2). “Most new parents are totally unprepared for their new babies.” Retrieved from Washington Post.

    2. Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11

  4. Interesante amiga. No todos los padres saben ser padres..... Saludos.

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      You may read the previous post (Part 1):
      - Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 1 - Science 11

      Interestingly, female as well as male have the same changes when they take care the infants.

  5. mas que maravilhosas ilustrações :)

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 01- Decoration, just for fun

      The changes in respects to:
      - brain regions
      - and hormonal activities

      Their behavior’s changes to deal with new reality that is development of newborns in term of:
      - crying
      - hearing
      - breathing
      - sleeping
      - reflexes
      - and vision.

    2. Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11

  6. Interesting post with lovely photos.
    Have a good day.

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 05- A little girl and a baby, painted by Ruth Stuart

      However, as suggested by Johnston-Ataata and Kokanovic (2014) that most parents have wrong perceptions about having a new baby:

      1) Parents misled by social romantic that are both parents and babies will have strong or perfect bonding instantly.

      2) Parenthood is wonderful and joyful life event. The perceptions are totally different with reality sometimes.

      # Previous postings:

      - Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 2 - Reading 1
      - Summer, be aware with Traveler's Diarrhea – Healthy Life 7
      - Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      - Oyster is One of Favorite Seafood in Louisiana – Food 2

      Johnston-Ataata, K and Kokanovic, R. (2014, October 2). “Most new parents are totally unprepared for their new babies.” Retrieved from Washington Post.

  7. Há pais para todos os gostos e feitios.
    Um post muito interessante, gostei.
    Continuação de boa semana.

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      You may read the previous post (Part 1):
      - Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 1 - Science 11

      Interestingly, female as well as male have the same changes when they take care the infants.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 01- Decoration, just for fun

      The changes in respects to:
      - brain regions
      - and hormonal activities

      Their behavior’s changes to deal with new reality that is development of newborns in term of:
      - crying
      - hearing
      - breathing
      - sleeping
      - reflexes
      - and vision.

  9. Boa tarde
    Obrigada pela visita ao meu blog, gostei muito, bela postagem, as imagens são lindas. Bjs

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 05- A little girl and a baby, painted by Ruth Stuart

      However, as suggested by Johnston-Ataata and Kokanovic (2014) that most parents have wrong perceptions about having a new baby:

      1) Parents misled by social romantic that are both parents and babies will have strong or perfect bonding instantly.

      2) Parenthood is wonderful and joyful life event. The perceptions are totally different with reality sometimes.

      # Previous postings:

      - Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 2 - Reading 1
      - Summer, be aware with Traveler's Diarrhea – Healthy Life 7
      - Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      - Oyster is One of Favorite Seafood in Louisiana – Food 2

      Johnston-Ataata, K and Kokanovic, R. (2014, October 2). “Most new parents are totally unprepared for their new babies.” Retrieved from Washington Post.

  10. Olá, amiga!
    Mais uma interessante postagem.
    Onde nos trazes ótimas dicas, para lidarmos com as crianças.
    Continuação de boa semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      You may read the previous post (Part 1):
      - Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 1 - Science 11

      Interestingly, female as well as male have the same changes when they take care the infants.

  11. Great post! Thank you for your visit to my blog. I follow you ¡Kiss!

    1. Thank to visit my blog-
      Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      Fig 01- Decoration, just for fun

      The changes in respects to:
      - brain regions
      - and hormonal activities

      Their behavior’s changes to deal with new reality that is development of newborns in term of:
      - crying
      - hearing
      - breathing
      - sleeping
      - reflexes
      - and vision.


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...