Thursday, 18 November 2021

Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

Fig 01- Urine drug test sold in Walmart, just illustration

Based on report by Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021) that overdosing drug use reaches 100,000 died from April 2020 to April 2021. The highest recorded ever.

There are many drugs are consumed overdoses, 10 of them caused death frequently.

These drugs include in the 3 categories, they are opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants.

Opioids drugs are:

- fentanyl
- heroin
- oxycodone
- methadone
- morphine
- hydrocodone

Fig 02- One of medical centers to serve people health

Two benzodiazepines which are used overdoses:

- alprazolam
- and diazepam

Fig 03- Gnomen clature, illustration

Stimulant drugs are:

- cocaine
- and methamphetamine

Fig 04- One of rehabilitation centers for drug abuses

Drug abuses lead to dead has increased dramatically, about 30% compared to last year.

The question then, why so many people abused drugs in this year?

The simple answer and main reason due Covid 19 pandemic. People getting stress and stress:

- higher unemployment
- lock down

How about with your places or countries? Are there drug overdose problems?

# Previous postings:


  1. Te dejo mi gratitud y bendiciones.

    Se muy, muy feliz.
    A kiss.

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      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  2. Replies
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      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  3. Hi. I come to return your visit to my blog and I really enjoyed yours. I will stay a follower.
    Thank you and visit me more often. I will come back.
    Coisas de Feltro

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      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  4. Olá amiga, passando para conhecer seu blog, gostei e já estou seguindo.
    Te desejo muito boa noite.

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      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  6. A very interesting post.
    Drugs abuses are very bad.
    Covid 19 Pandemic is one of the causes of deaths.

    1. You are right...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      Fig 01- Urine drug test sold in Walmart, just illustration

      Based on report by Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021) that overdosing drug use reaches 100,000 died from April 2020 to April 2021. The highest recorded ever.

      There are many drugs are consumed overdoses, 10 of them caused death frequently.

      These drugs include in the 3 categories, they are opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants.

      Opioids drugs are:

      - fentanyl
      - heroin
      - oxycodone
      - methadone
      - morphine
      - hydrocodone

  7. Muy interesante amiga. Gracias por la informacion. Saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      Fig 02- One of medical centers to serve people health

      Two benzodiazepines which are used overdoses:
      - alprazolam
      - and diazepam

    2. Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  8. Todos esses nomes de drogas que cita são, infelizmente, de todos conhecidas pelas notícias que, diariamente, inundam os jornais.
    O mundo tem-se tornado um palco de difícil atuação e as pessoas tendem a ultrapassar os seus problemas da forma menos curial e frequentemente fatal.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      Fig 03- Gnomen clature, illustration

      Stimulant drugs are:
      - cocaine
      - and methamphetamine

  9. Overdoses are always bad for people and some can lead to death.
    Excellent post, very informative.
    Have a nice weekend, my dear friend.

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      Fig 04- One of rehabilitation centers for drug abuses

      Drug abuses lead to dead has increased dramatically, about 30% compared to last year.

      The question then, why so many people abused drugs in this year?

      The simple answer and main reason due Covid 19 pandemic. People getting stress and stress:

      - higher unemployment
      - lock down

      How about with your places or countries? Are there drug overdose problems?

      # Previous postings:

      - Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?
      - Lobsters have Good Nutritional Values for Health – Healthy Life 13
      - One of Ways to Make Barbeque in the Nature – Food 7

  10. Ayer vi está película que justo hablaba sobre eso.

    Me impresionó.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      Fig 01- Urine drug test sold in Walmart, just illustration

      Based on report by Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021) that overdosing drug use reaches 100,000 died from April 2020 to April 2021. The highest recorded ever.

      There are many drugs are consumed overdoses, 10 of them caused death frequently.

      These drugs include in the 3 categories, they are opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants.

      Opioids drugs are:

      - fentanyl
      - heroin
      - oxycodone
      - methadone
      - morphine
      - hydrocodone

    2. Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  11. Tremendo drama vital que no debe de olvidarse y que siempre debe de ser recordado una y otra vez, sobre todo de cara a los más jóvenes.
    Muchas gracias por tu aporte.

    1. Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

    2. Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  12. Infelizmente, é uma realidade com que nos confrontamos todos os dias. Onde as desgraças acontecem com frequência.

    Excelente partilha, minha amiga.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

    2. Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  13. In Portugal, doctors control all the patients they encounter under home treatment...
    However there is very much people However who think that more is better.

    Waiting for the 5th wave...
    Have a nice weekend, Rainbow.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9

  14. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
    Fig 02- One of medical centers to serve people health

    Two benzodiazepines which are used overdoses:
    - alprazolam
    - and diazepam


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 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...