Saturday, 20 November 2021

Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

Fig 01- Illustration of a shopping cart

You may read previous posting (part 1):

Programs provide watching live events around us, state wide, nationally and even internationally.

We are also connecting to social medias include:

- blogger
- Facebook
- twitter
- Instagram
- Youtube
- TikTok
- Pinterest
- Snapchat
- and others.

Fig 02- Food with some fat content.

These activities may categorized as “sedentary,” and disturbing exercises of:

- running
- jogging
- and walking

Fig 03- Variety of cheese

It is because we are busy to check:

- messages
- taking photos
- and sending photos to social medias

Fig 04- Grocery at a shopping center

The question then: Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat?

The simple answer is yes!


Fig 05- Chocolate at a grocery

The reasons that texting and internet connecting cell phone prompt people to:

- Deviate from their shopping list.
- Tend to buy hedonistic products that unrelated to lists
- Tend to buy more, and tend to forget from original lists.

Fig 06- A corner at a shopping center.

Now days, the shopping malls may send distract messages to your smartphone to buy their attractive products.

If you are trapped by their interesting offers with discount sometimes, then you might ignore your own list.

It is suggested that you executed your plan first, then you may use your mobile phone later on.

What do you thinks?

# Previous postings:


  1. Muito boa receita é uma bom prato para uma rica refeição.

    Um abraço, amigo.

    1. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 05- Chocolate at a grocery

      The reasons that texting and internet connecting cell phone prompt people to:

      - Deviate from their shopping list.
      - Tend to buy hedonistic products that unrelated to lists
      - Tend to buy more, and tend to forget from original lists.

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  2. Interesante amiga, nos manipulan por medio de mensajes al celular..... Saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  3. Pienso que deberíamos enterrar los teléfonos.

    1. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  4. Pues tienes razón, por eso es importante conocer y saber lo que comemos, y saber cocinar bien. Saludos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  5. Sim, induzem ao consumismo sem ter necessidades, eu aprendi só compro o que realmente preciso! bj

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  6. Cierto que cada vez mas estamos pegados a la pantalla tanto grade como pequeña, absortos en mensajes vacíos, comiendo sin tener hambre. Y de lo que no nos damos cuenta es de que hay tiempo para todo, hacer deporte o simplemente caminar ayudaría mucho a nuestra salud. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  7. No compro según lo que nos dicen en la publicidad. Cuando voy al super cargo con lo que necesito.
    Buen domingo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 01- Illustration of a shopping cart

      You may read previous posting (part 1):
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

      Programs provide watching live events around us, state wide, nationally and even internationally.

      We are also connecting to social medias include:
      - blogger
      - Facebook
      - twitter
      - Instagram
      - Youtube
      - TikTok
      - Pinterest
      - Snapchat
      - and others.

  8. Muchas gracias por tu visita
    cuidate mucho

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 02- Food with some fat content.

      These activities may categorized as “sedentary,” and disturbing exercises of:
      - running
      - jogging
      - and walking

  9. Mais umas excelentes sugestões aqui nos deixas.
    Parabéns, pela partilha!
    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 03- Variety of cheese

      It is because we are busy to check:
      - messages
      - taking photos
      - and sending photos to social medias

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  10. Em tudo, a sabedoria está na moderação, não é? Extremos sempre são perigosos! Belo post, meu abraço; boa semana!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 04- Grocery at a shopping center

      The question then: Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat?

      The simple answer is yes!



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