Friday, 12 November 2021

Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

Fig 01- Shopping more after texting

Many researchers found that texting (by using smartphone) can cause weight gain, and even while doing activities such as walking or jogging may make people get more fat.

It is because texting make people reduce their steps, slow their movement, thus metabolism slow down, then calories burning less in our body.

Moreover, Smith, J in a report published by Runner’s World (2019: Here’s How Much Being Glued to Your Phone Ups Your Odds of Obesity) suggested about the bad sides of using smartphone that:

- 5 hours per day with smartphone will increase 43% risk of obesity.
- discourage people to eat healthy food
- make people less doing exercises

Smartphone is so attractive now days, the simple reason that it has similar and even might be better than certain portable computer in term of internet connections and applications.

Fig 02- Pumpkin and decoration, illustration only

Fig 03- Milk chocolate, illustration.

We can use multiple functions of a smart phone such as:

- sending e-mail
- texting few words
- making friendly call
- searching information through internet
- watching video
- playing game
- and many more.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. A very interesting dietary approach and a good warning!; ))
    I'm more of the PC... Thank you to share it.
    Have a nice weekend, Rainbow.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

  2. Gracias por compartir todas estas cosas interesantes. Una vida sana es lo mejor que podemos desear para nuestro cuerpo y mente nos lo agradecerá. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

  3. Muchas gracias espero que estes bien de salud
    cuidate mucho

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

  4. Yes, I have noticed how people are walking very slowly when texting.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

  5. Uma postagem muito interessante. Gostei
    Bom fim de semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 01- Shopping more after texting

      Many researchers found that texting (by using smartphone) can cause weight gain, and even while doing activities such as walking or jogging may make people get more fat.

      It is because texting make people reduce their steps, slow their movement, thus metabolism slow down, then calories burning less in our body.

      Moreover, Smith, J in a report published by Runner’s World (2019: Here’s How Much Being Glued to Your Phone Ups Your Odds of Obesity) suggested about the bad sides of using smartphone that:

      - 5 hours per day with smartphone will increase 43% risk of obesity.
      - discourage people to eat healthy food
      - make people less doing exercises

      Smartphone is so attractive now days, the simple reason that it has similar and even might be better than certain portable computer in term of internet connections and applications.

    2. Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17

  6. Muy interesante amiga, tu información es para tenerla en cuenta. Saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 03- Milk chocolate, illustration.

      We can use multiple functions of a smart phone such as:

      - sending e-mail
      - texting few words
      - making friendly call
      - searching information through internet
      - watching video
      - playing game
      - and many more.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
      - Could Positive Thinking Lead to Live Longer? - Healthy Life 6
      - Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 2 - Reading 1

  7. No lo hubiera imaginado nunca.
    Gracias por la información.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 01- Shopping more after texting

      Many researchers found that texting (by using smartphone) can cause weight gain, and even while doing activities such as walking or jogging may make people get more fat.

      It is because texting make people reduce their steps, slow their movement, thus metabolism slow down, then calories burning less in our body.

      Moreover, Smith, J in a report published by Runner’s World (2019: Here’s How Much Being Glued to Your Phone Ups Your Odds of Obesity) suggested about the bad sides of using smartphone that:

      - 5 hours per day with smartphone will increase 43% risk of obesity.
      - discourage people to eat healthy food
      - make people less doing exercises

      Smartphone is so attractive now days, the simple reason that it has similar and even might be better than certain portable computer in term of internet connections and applications.

  8. Que interesante, jamás lo hubiese pensado de esa forma. Un abrzo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 03- Milk chocolate, illustration.

      We can use multiple functions of a smart phone such as:

      - sending e-mail
      - texting few words
      - making friendly call
      - searching information through internet
      - watching video
      - playing game
      - and many more.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
      - Could Positive Thinking Lead to Live Longer? - Healthy Life 6
      - Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 2 - Reading 1

  9. Nunca pensei assim. Acho que imagrece pq passa muito tempo sem comer, só teclando..

    Um abraço

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      Fig 01- Shopping more after texting

      Many researchers found that texting (by using smartphone) can cause weight gain, and even while doing activities such as walking or jogging may make people get more fat.

      It is because texting make people reduce their steps, slow their movement, thus metabolism slow down, then calories burning less in our body.

      Moreover, Smith, J in a report published by Runner’s World (2019: Here’s How Much Being Glued to Your Phone Ups Your Odds of Obesity) suggested about the bad sides of using smartphone that:

      - 5 hours per day with smartphone will increase 43% risk of obesity.
      - discourage people to eat healthy food
      - make people less doing exercises

      Smartphone is so attractive now days, the simple reason that it has similar and even might be better than certain portable computer in term of internet connections and applications.

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