Monday, 22 November 2021

Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

Fig 01- A float at our neighborhood parade several years ago

Our city, Baton Rouge, have a lot of parades and festivals from January to December every year.

Some of the parades are:

- Mardi Gras
- Krewe of Oshum
- Annual Christmas parade
- Columbus day
- St Patrick day

You may read posting about Mardi Gras parade and its relate activities at previous postings:

Fig 02- A street at neighborhood

Our neighborhood through residents’ association administers annual Christmas parade.

Fig 03- A corner of town

Whoever may participate in the parade:

- no fee
- donate US$22 for portion of mandatory parade insurance.

Fig 04- Residents preparing for parade several years ago.

Parade routes just short distant, about 1.9 miles ( Circling our neighborhood areas.

Fig 05- Just for illustration

Parade starts at 10.00 AM and complete promptly around noon, if weather conditions are good.

Fig 06- Wooden ginger man, illustration

Some parts of parade and festival area:

- floats
- cars
- music
- and other entertainment.

Interestingly, participants may rent a float with 25% discount price through our neighborhood association.

Have your neighborhoods organized any parades or festivals?

# Previous postings:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

    2. Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

  2. Hello Rainbow,
    Your neighborhood seems so lovely on Christmas time.
    Have a nice week.
    Take care :)

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

  3. Se lo pasan de requetebién ajaj. Me ha parecido interesante que desfruten de las cosas y sobre todo la participación del incendiario. Un placer leerte.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

  4. I love it, you guys enjoy the Christmas season well.
    I like that!
    I send you a hug.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

    2. Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

  5. Thanks for congratulating my son!

    1. You are welcome...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 01- A float at our neighborhood parade several years ago

      Our city, Baton Rouge, have a lot of parades and festivals from January to December every year.

      Some of the parades are:
      - Mardi Gras
      - Krewe of Oshum
      - Annual Christmas parade
      - Columbus day
      - St Patrick day

      You may read posting about Mardi Gras parade and its relate activities at previous postings:

      - Local Event Called as “Mardi Gras” In Louisiana, USA
      - Wreaths for Mardi Gras in Louisiana
      - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 1
      - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 2

  6. Soy nueva en el vecindario así que aún no se XD

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 02- A street at neighborhood

      Our neighborhood through residents’ association administers annual Christmas parade.

  7. I liked to know about your 'parades' 🎄🎅
    and that you are from Louisiana.
    Cordial greetings.

    1. Indeed.... I come from Louisiana

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 03- A corner of town

      Whoever may participate in the parade:
      - no fee
      - donate US$22 for portion of mandatory parade insurance.

  8. Sí.
    Aquí se celebran muchos festivales.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 04- Residents preparing for parade several years ago.

      Parade routes just short distant, about 1.9 miles ( Circling our neighborhood areas.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 05- Just for illustration

      Parade starts at 10.00 AM and complete promptly around noon, if weather conditions are good.

  10. Your neighbourhood does look lovely.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
      Fig 06- Wooden ginger man, illustration

      Some parts of parade and festival area:

      - floats
      - cars
      - music
      - and other entertainment.

      Interestingly, participants may rent a float with 25% discount price through our neighborhood association.

      Have your neighborhoods organized any parades or festivals?

      # Previous postings:

      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12
      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 1 - Art 3
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3

  11. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood
    Fig 01- A float at our neighborhood parade several years ago

    Our city, Baton Rouge, have a lot of parades and festivals from January to December every year.

    Some of the parades are:
    - Mardi Gras
    - Krewe of Oshum
    - Annual Christmas parade
    - Columbus day
    - St Patrick day

    You may read posting about Mardi Gras parade and its relate activities at previous postings:

    - Local Event Called as “Mardi Gras” In Louisiana, USA
    - Wreaths for Mardi Gras in Louisiana
    - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 1
    - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 2


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...