Monday, 11 October 2021

When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16

The smile of camels (Credit: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images).

Previous posting:

Do you think someone has bad reputation or cheat on you whenever she get Botox injection in her forehead or her face?

Finally I found it out.

It was said, “If Botox purpose to get $55 million dollar contest the most beauty camel in King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, forget it!!!”

The Botox injection into camels like a cheat in this contest.

I'm not going to cheat anyone, even with my face.

I'm thinking about a prevention, before the frown lines or “eleven” lines between my eyebrows are exist in my forehead, so that I will not look:

- angry
- tired
- or unhappy.

Trees nearby jogging track.

One of medical practitioners said that if you think that you have inherit the early frown lines or wrinkles, do not wait the wrinkle create the lines.

So in this case, Botox treatment is the best under 30 year old, because Botox is not a filler. Botox works to paralyze muscles and need to be repeated.

What do you think, do you think in age before 30 year-old is too early to get Botox Cosmetic?

Or just wait until the lines between the eyebrows and forehead are appearing?

# Previous postings:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16

  2. Olá,amiga!
    Muito interessante o sorriso dos camelos!
    Boa semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      The smile of camels (Credit: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images).

      Previous posting:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

      Do you think someone has bad reputation or cheat on you whenever she get Botox injection in her forehead or her face?

      Finally I found it out.

      It was said, “If Botox purpose to get $55 million dollar contest the most beauty camel in King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, forget it!!!”

      The Botox injection into camels like a cheat in this contest.

      I'm not going to cheat anyone, even with my face.

      I'm thinking about a prevention, before the frown lines or “eleven” lines between my eyebrows are exist in my forehead, so that I will not look:

      - angry
      - tired
      - or unhappy.

  3. Hola interesante el reportaje.
    Buena semana

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      Trees nearby jogging track.

      One of medical practitioners said that if you think that you have inherit the early frown lines or wrinkles, do not wait the wrinkle create the lines.

      So in this case, Botox treatment is the best under 30 year old, because Botox is not a filler. Botox works to paralyze muscles and need to be repeated.

      What do you think, do you think in age before 30 year-old is too early to get Botox Cosmetic?

      Or just wait until the lines between the eyebrows and forehead are appearing?

      # Previous postings:

      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12

  4. Como já passei (e muito!) dessa idade, agora preciso esperar mesmo. :) Interessante o post! Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16

  5. Postagem interessante, a melhor é o sorriso dos camelos!

    Beijos e uma boa semana.

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      The smile of camels (Credit: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images).

      Previous posting:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

      Do you think someone has bad reputation or cheat on you whenever she get Botox injection in her forehead or her face?

      Finally I found it out.

      It was said, “If Botox purpose to get $55 million dollar contest the most beauty camel in King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, forget it!!!”

      The Botox injection into camels like a cheat in this contest.

      I'm not going to cheat anyone, even with my face.

      I'm thinking about a prevention, before the frown lines or “eleven” lines between my eyebrows are exist in my forehead, so that I will not look:
      - angry
      - tired
      - or unhappy.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      Trees nearby jogging track.

      One of medical practitioners said that if you think that you have inherit the early frown lines or wrinkles, do not wait the wrinkle create the lines.

      So in this case, Botox treatment is the best under 30 year old, because Botox is not a filler. Botox works to paralyze muscles and need to be repeated.

      What do you think, do you think in age before 30 year-old is too early to get Botox Cosmetic?

      Or just wait until the lines between the eyebrows and forehead are appearing?

      # Previous postings:

      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12

  8. Hi friend, I'm here to wish you a good afternoon!
    I like your blog and I'm following your space!
    It will be a pleasure to have you following my blog.

    Kiss friend.

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16

  9. Thanks a lot for your visit and comment. You have a nice blog. Greetings!

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      The smile of camels (Credit: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images).

      Previous posting:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

      Do you think someone has bad reputation or cheat on you whenever she get Botox injection in her forehead or her face?

      Finally I found it out.

      It was said, “If Botox purpose to get $55 million dollar contest the most beauty camel in King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, forget it!!!”

      The Botox injection into camels like a cheat in this contest.

      I'm not going to cheat anyone, even with my face.

      I'm thinking about a prevention, before the frown lines or “eleven” lines between my eyebrows are exist in my forehead, so that I will not look:
      - angry
      - tired
      - or unhappy.

  10. Não quero botox nem cirurgias : tenho a idade que tenho e tudo bem !!

    Good week :)

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      Trees nearby jogging track.

      One of medical practitioners said that if you think that you have inherit the early frown lines or wrinkles, do not wait the wrinkle create the lines.

      So in this case, Botox treatment is the best under 30 year old, because Botox is not a filler. Botox works to paralyze muscles and need to be repeated.

      What do you think, do you think in age before 30 year-old is too early to get Botox Cosmetic?

      Or just wait until the lines between the eyebrows and forehead are appearing?

      # Previous postings:

      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12

  11. Hola, un artículo muy interesante. Gracias por la visita. Nos leemos. Saludos

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      The smile of camels (Credit: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images).

      Previous posting:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

      Do you think someone has bad reputation or cheat on you whenever she get Botox injection in her forehead or her face?

      Finally I found it out.

      It was said, “If Botox purpose to get $55 million dollar contest the most beauty camel in King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, forget it!!!”

      The Botox injection into camels like a cheat in this contest.

      I'm not going to cheat anyone, even with my face.

      I'm thinking about a prevention, before the frown lines or “eleven” lines between my eyebrows are exist in my forehead, so that I will not look:
      - angry
      - tired
      - or unhappy.

  12. Interesante la estética. Gracias por compartirlo. Un saludo

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      Trees nearby jogging track.

      One of medical practitioners said that if you think that you have inherit the early frown lines or wrinkles, do not wait the wrinkle create the lines.

      So in this case, Botox treatment is the best under 30 year old, because Botox is not a filler. Botox works to paralyze muscles and need to be repeated.

      What do you think, do you think in age before 30 year-old is too early to get Botox Cosmetic?

      Or just wait until the lines between the eyebrows and forehead are appearing?

      # Previous postings:

      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12

  13. nice info When should I get the Botox Cosmetic?


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