Monday, 18 October 2021

What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

Previous posting (Part 1):

Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:

- advantages
- disadvantages

One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

1) Expensive economically

- a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.

- hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

3) May incomplete knockout process

4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

# Previous postings:


  1. Tem que se ter muito cuidado com a manipulação genética...

    Nice week!

    1. Thanks-
      What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

    2. What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

  3. La investigación es necesaria en la ciencia... con mucho cuidado

    1. Thanks-
      What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

  4. I sure hope more research is put into this!

    Interesting post!

  5. La ciencia precisamente, se funda en el ensayo-error, por eso puede tener sus percances. Saludos. Carlos

    1. Thanks-
      What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

  6. Siempre es bueno investigar, un saludo.

    1. Thanks-
      What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

  7. Me gustan los gatos.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      A cat sitting on the chair, just for illustration

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8

      Sure, a knocked out gene has two sides:
      - advantages
      - disadvantages

      One of important advantages is that a researcher knows which factor precisely in determining animal behavior, in this case a certain behavior of mice.

      Another advantage, researchers could decide the exact time to disrupt a specific gene. The timing is important to conduct behavior experiments in the laboratory.

      However, there are several disadvantages, some of them:

      1) Expensive economically
      - a lot of labors (labor consuming) include culturing of stem cell

      2) Gene knockout may lethal to embryo development.
      - hence, animal can’t reach adulthood.

      3) May incomplete knockout process

      4) Disruption of genes may overlap.

      5) A knockout gene may develop cancer in certain tissues of mice.

      # Previous postings:
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - The Amphibians Near Extinct due to Fungus Disease – Science 5
      - Can Succulents Improve Room Humidity? - Science 6

  8. new knowledge for me What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8


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