Monday, 4 October 2021

The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

Cooked shrimps and boiled corns

We went to Tony’s seafood market and deli, the biggest seafood market in my city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this morning.

We planned to buy one or two pounds of shrimps to cook with a recipe which I found in a blog.

The recipe is quite simple, but I think attractive to try it.

Just to let you know that Louisiana has several kinds of shrimps. Four commercial values are:

- white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus)
- brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
- seabob shrimp (Penaeus sp)
- pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum)

Louisiana produces around 100 million pounds of all kind shrimps per year, mainly from the Gulf of Mexico.

The gulf, actually belongs to both Mexico and USA.

Another kind of cooked shrimp

The shrimp industries provided 15 thousand jobs and greatly impact on Louisiana economic.

Yes, fishing and agriculture industries are important to Louisiana, and many southern states of USA.

They bring about US$ 1.3 billion annually to Louisiana state.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Interessantes os dados... e a receita deve ter ficado uma delícia! ;) Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

  2. I love seeing about the culture of other places. This recipe made me hungry.

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Cooked shrimps and boiled corns

      We went to Tony’s seafood market and deli, the biggest seafood market in my city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this morning.

      We planned to buy one or two pounds of shrimps to cook with a recipe which I found in a blog.

      The recipe is quite simple, but I think attractive to try it.

      Just to let you know that Louisiana has several kinds of shrimps. Four commercial values are:

      - white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus)
      - brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
      - seabob shrimp (Penaeus sp)
      - pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum)

      Louisiana produces around 100 million pounds of all kind shrimps per year, mainly from the Gulf of Mexico.

      The gulf, actually belongs to both Mexico and USA.

  3. Es de los platos de mayor consumo, no solo en restaurantes, sino también en casa. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

  4. Muito boa receita, deve ser uma delícia!

    Desejos deuma feliz semana.
    Um abraço.

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Another kind of cooked shrimp

      The shrimp industries provided 15 thousand jobs and greatly impact on Louisiana economic.

      Yes, fishing and agriculture industries are important to Louisiana, and many southern states of USA.

      They bring about US$ 1.3 billion annually to Louisiana state.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - A Tropical Plant Called Pineapple – Food 1
      - Oyster is One of Favorite Seafood in Louisiana – Food 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

  6. El contenido del plato debe estar para chuparse los dedos.

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Cooked shrimps and boiled corns

      We went to Tony’s seafood market and deli, the biggest seafood market in my city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this morning.

      We planned to buy one or two pounds of shrimps to cook with a recipe which I found in a blog.

      The recipe is quite simple, but I think attractive to try it.

      Just to let you know that Louisiana has several kinds of shrimps. Four commercial values are:

      - white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus)
      - brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
      - seabob shrimp (Penaeus sp)
      - pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum)

      Louisiana produces around 100 million pounds of all kind shrimps per year, mainly from the Gulf of Mexico.

      The gulf, actually belongs to both Mexico and USA.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

  8. Olá, amiga!
    É verdade. O camarão cozido é de facto mais barato do que cru. Costumo comprar cozido, congelado, e é mais barato.
    Gosto bastante de camarão.

    Continuação de boa semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Another kind of cooked shrimp

      The shrimp industries provided 15 thousand jobs and greatly impact on Louisiana economic.

      Yes, fishing and agriculture industries are important to Louisiana, and many southern states of USA.

      They bring about US$ 1.3 billion annually to Louisiana state.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - A Tropical Plant Called Pineapple – Food 1
      - Oyster is One of Favorite Seafood in Louisiana – Food 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

  9. Cozidos mais baratos do que crus já parece uma boa vantagem.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Cooked shrimps and boiled corns

      We went to Tony’s seafood market and deli, the biggest seafood market in my city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this morning.

      We planned to buy one or two pounds of shrimps to cook with a recipe which I found in a blog.

      The recipe is quite simple, but I think attractive to try it.

      Just to let you know that Louisiana has several kinds of shrimps. Four commercial values are:

      - white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus)
      - brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
      - seabob shrimp (Penaeus sp)
      - pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum)

      Louisiana produces around 100 million pounds of all kind shrimps per year, mainly from the Gulf of Mexico.

      The gulf, actually belongs to both Mexico and USA.

  10. The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

  11. aww... The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8

    1. Thank you for comment-
      The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      Cooked shrimps and boiled corns


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