Wednesday, 20 October 2021

The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2

Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

- the heart
- the blood vessels
- disability effects
- and the most causing of death in the US.

This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. As doenças cardiovascular são traiçoeiras. Mesmo quem se cuida, são pegos de surpresas.

    Um abraço

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

      I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

      - the heart
      - the blood vessels
      - disability effects
      - and the most causing of death in the US.

      This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

      Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

      The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

    2. The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2

  2. Por desgracia lo acabo de vivir en mi familia.

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

      Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Strawberry Greek Yogurt Good For Health? - Healthy Life 9
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

    2. The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2

  3. Olá, amiga!
    As doenças cardiovasculares são sempre muito melindrosas.
    Há que ter muitos cuidados em todos os aspetos. Com a alimentação, com os esforços físicos, etc, etc.
    Deixaste aqui ótimas informações nesse aspeto.

    Excelente partilha.

    Continuação de boa semana.


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

      I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

      - the heart
      - the blood vessels
      - disability effects
      - and the most causing of death in the US.

      This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

      Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

      The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

    2. The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2

  4. Sim, as doenças cardiovasculares são um risco tremendo muito mortais.

    Muito interessante o post


    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

      Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Strawberry Greek Yogurt Good For Health? - Healthy Life 9
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

      I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

      - the heart
      - the blood vessels
      - disability effects
      - and the most causing of death in the US.

      This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

      Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

      The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

  6. Um bom alerta com essa matéria.
    Obrigada amiga.

    Tenha um bom dia e bom fim de semana.

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

      Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Strawberry Greek Yogurt Good For Health? - Healthy Life 9
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

  7. Si, yo también lo he leído, estuvimos dos años solo pendientes del covid y hemos dejado de lado otras enfermedades que padece un mayor número de personas. Un saludo y buen fin de semana.

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

      I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

      - the heart
      - the blood vessels
      - disability effects
      - and the most causing of death in the US.

      This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

      Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

      The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

  8. Es una enfermedad bastante conocida, que se lleva a mucha gente.

    1. Thanks-
      The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

      Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Strawberry Greek Yogurt Good For Health? - Healthy Life 9
      - Can Scientists Create Glowing Plants? - Science 4
      - Rediscovering of Rare Blue Bee in Florida in 2020 – Science 3
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Do You Know about Golden Kiwis Fruit? - Food 3

  9. important posting The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2


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