Saturday, 16 October 2021

Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

Red rose in the garden

Previous posting (Part 1):

Her mother begins to worry about Ada.

She finds a man to “help” Ada to get pregnant and said not to think about unfaithful to her husband, but to keep herself safe.

Almost one year is over, and Ada is not pregnant yet.

Then she has been kicked out from her husband and husband’s family where she lives with.

Ada comes back to her mother and younger sisters.

German measles outbreaks and the disease attacks pregnant women and babies.

The folks believe that the deaths and miscarriages caused by witchcrafts, barren women, and one of them is Ada.

Ada must leave the town, then she lives in covenant.

Anna North, the author of Outlawed.

When she was in covenant she learns about the causes of infertility, then learned how to solve it..

She has great knowledge about herbal, frontier medicine and midwifery.

Then she joins a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid, the Hole in the Wall Gang.

Ada learns how to:

- rob highway
- steal cattle
- appear and behave like a binary man.

However, she finds that the gang is the safe place for barren women and gender nonconforming people.

# Previous postings:


  1. Beautiful flower and beautiful post, I loved it!
    Have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

  2. Linda tua rubra rosa
    Representado o amor
    E a primavera em flor
    Como rainha que goza
    De majestade briosa.
    Além dessa flor ser linda
    Nos traz luz e mais ainda
    Dá a alma certo alento
    Pelo belo com assento
    No céu. Que seja bem-vinda!

    Abraço fraterno e parabéns pela bela postagem! Laerte

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Red rose in the garden

      Previous posting (Part 1):

      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      Her mother begins to worry about Ada.

      She finds a man to “help” Ada to get pregnant and said not to think about unfaithful to her husband, but to keep herself safe.

      Almost one year is over, and Ada is not pregnant yet.

      Then she has been kicked out from her husband and husband’s family where she lives with.

      Ada comes back to her mother and younger sisters.

      German measles outbreaks and the disease attacks pregnant women and babies.

      The folks believe that the deaths and miscarriages caused by witchcrafts, barren women, and one of them is Ada.

      Ada must leave the town, then she lives in covenant.

  3. Rainbow, you should put the gadget for translation. There are certain words that I don't know and I see in the chart of your followers those who don't dominate the English language.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

  4. poor Ada and interesting sinopsis of the novel...

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Anna North, the author of Outlawed.

      When she was in covenant she learns about the causes of infertility, then learned how to solve it..

      She has great knowledge about herbal, frontier medicine and midwifery.

      Then she joins a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid, the Hole in the Wall Gang.

      Ada learns how to:

      - rob highway
      - steal cattle
      - appear and behave like a binary man.

      However, she finds that the gang is the safe place for barren women and gender nonconforming people.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Like Crazy, “a wild child cares for the wild woman who raised him” - Reading 2

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Red rose in the garden

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      Her mother begins to worry about Ada.

      She finds a man to “help” Ada to get pregnant and said not to think about unfaithful to her husband, but to keep herself safe.

      Almost one year is over, and Ada is not pregnant yet.

      Then she has been kicked out from her husband and husband’s family where she lives with.

      Ada comes back to her mother and younger sisters.

      German measles outbreaks and the disease attacks pregnant women and babies.

      The folks believe that the deaths and miscarriages caused by witchcrafts, barren women, and one of them is Ada.

      Ada must leave the town, then she lives in covenant.

  7. Thanks for this interesting post. Have a great new week.

    1. Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

  8. Hello!
    Moving on to know your blog, I loved everything I saw and read, wonderful!
    I follow everyone who follows me, and I come to return the comment.

    A hug.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Anna North, the author of Outlawed.

      When she was in covenant she learns about the causes of infertility, then learned how to solve it..

      She has great knowledge about herbal, frontier medicine and midwifery.

      Then she joins a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid, the Hole in the Wall Gang.

      Ada learns how to:

      - rob highway
      - steal cattle
      - appear and behave like a binary man.

      However, she finds that the gang is the safe place for barren women and gender nonconforming people.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Like Crazy, “a wild child cares for the wild woman who raised him” - Reading 2

  9. Olá, amiga!
    Será porventura um interessante romance.
    Excelente partilha.
    Boa semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4

  10. Interesante amiga, linda rosa. Saludos.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Red rose in the garden

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      Her mother begins to worry about Ada.

      She finds a man to “help” Ada to get pregnant and said not to think about unfaithful to her husband, but to keep herself safe.

      Almost one year is over, and Ada is not pregnant yet.

      Then she has been kicked out from her husband and husband’s family where she lives with.

      Ada comes back to her mother and younger sisters.

      German measles outbreaks and the disease attacks pregnant women and babies.

      The folks believe that the deaths and miscarriages caused by witchcrafts, barren women, and one of them is Ada.

      Ada must leave the town, then she lives in covenant.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Anna North, the author of Outlawed.

      When she was in covenant she learns about the causes of infertility, then learned how to solve it..

      She has great knowledge about herbal, frontier medicine and midwifery.

      Then she joins a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid, the Hole in the Wall Gang.

      Ada learns how to:

      - rob highway
      - steal cattle
      - appear and behave like a binary man.

      However, she finds that the gang is the safe place for barren women and gender nonconforming people.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Like Crazy, “a wild child cares for the wild woman who raised him” - Reading 2

  12. Gostando da narrativa. Espero que continue! Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Red rose in the garden

      Previous posting (Part 1):
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      Her mother begins to worry about Ada.

      She finds a man to “help” Ada to get pregnant and said not to think about unfaithful to her husband, but to keep herself safe.

      Almost one year is over, and Ada is not pregnant yet.

      Then she has been kicked out from her husband and husband’s family where she lives with.

      Ada comes back to her mother and younger sisters.

      German measles outbreaks and the disease attacks pregnant women and babies.

      The folks believe that the deaths and miscarriages caused by witchcrafts, barren women, and one of them is Ada.

      Ada must leave the town, then she lives in covenant.

  13. Uma novela interessante. I don´t understand everything you wrote. Put tranlation.
    Thanks for your visit and commentary.

    Good week.

    1. Thanks-
      Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      Anna North, the author of Outlawed.

      When she was in covenant she learns about the causes of infertility, then learned how to solve it..

      She has great knowledge about herbal, frontier medicine and midwifery.

      Then she joins a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid, the Hole in the Wall Gang.

      Ada learns how to:

      - rob highway
      - steal cattle
      - appear and behave like a binary man.

      However, she finds that the gang is the safe place for barren women and gender nonconforming people.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Like Crazy, “a wild child cares for the wild woman who raised him” - Reading 2

  14. love to read the book Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4


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