Friday, 10 September 2021

Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

Herds of wild horses

This posting is part 2, the first part was:

Feeding the horses is illegal conduct, it is because wild horses can’t consume human diets such as:

- fruit
- vegetable
- and off course burgers.

These diets have bad effect, and lead to:

- serious health issues
- or even may cause to death to horses.

What stunning me that horses are not evacuated during Dorian hurricane currently. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane in North Carolina?

Yes, the horses able to ride out the storms.

This skill is inherited from their ancestors since 500 years ago.

Decorative horse head, illustration only

The horses skillful to sense the bad weather such as hurricanes and heavy rains, then they respond by:

- grouping together
- going to higher ground
- finding sturdy trees for protection

Hope, the hurricane is over soon, and everything goes well and safe.

# Previous postings:


  1. Hola, los animales, en este caso parecen tener un sexto sentido, para estas cosas,.
    Buen día.
    Yo también te sigo.

    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Herds of wild horses

      This posting is part 2, the first part was:
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12

      Feeding the horses is illegal conduct, it is because wild horses can’t consume human diets such as:
      - fruit
      - vegetable
      - and off course burgers.

      These diets have bad effect, and lead to:
      - serious health issues
      - or even may cause to death to horses.

      What stunning me that horses are not evacuated during Dorian hurricane currently. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane in North Carolina?

      Yes, the horses able to ride out the storms.

      This skill is inherited from their ancestors since 500 years ago.

    2. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

  2. Very interesting, animals often sense catastrophes before humans, they have that instinct that they usually do.
    Happy weekend.
    Best regards.

    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Decorative horse head, illustration only

      The horses skillful to sense the bad weather such as hurricanes and heavy rains, then they respond by:
      - grouping together
      - going to higher ground
      - finding sturdy trees for protection

      Hope, the hurricane is over soon, and everything goes well and safe.

      # Previous postings:
      - Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Flash Flood at my Neighborhood - Nature 8

    2. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

  3. Me encantan los caballos creo que son los animales junto al delfín que por su nobleza e inteligencia me enamora. Estoy de acuerdo que a los animales no se les debe dar la comida que a los humanos su sistema digestivo no es el mismo por lo tanto el alimento debe ser diferente. Un buen artículo ,. Esperemos que el huracán no haga demasiad daño. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Herds of wild horses

      This posting is part 2, the first part was:
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12

      Feeding the horses is illegal conduct, it is because wild horses can’t consume human diets such as:
      - fruit
      - vegetable
      - and off course burgers.

      These diets have bad effect, and lead to:
      - serious health issues
      - or even may cause to death to horses.

      What stunning me that horses are not evacuated during Dorian hurricane currently. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane in North Carolina?

      Yes, the horses able to ride out the storms.

      This skill is inherited from their ancestors since 500 years ago.

  4. Espero que todo salga bien para ellos. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Decorative horse head, illustration only

      The horses skillful to sense the bad weather such as hurricanes and heavy rains, then they respond by:
      - grouping together
      - going to higher ground
      - finding sturdy trees for protection

      Hope, the hurricane is over soon, and everything goes well and safe.

      # Previous postings:
      - Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Flash Flood at my Neighborhood - Nature 8

  5. Seguro que sí.

    Buen domingo.


    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Herds of wild horses

      This posting is part 2, the first part was:
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12

      Feeding the horses is illegal conduct, it is because wild horses can’t consume human diets such as:
      - fruit
      - vegetable
      - and off course burgers.

      These diets have bad effect, and lead to:
      - serious health issues
      - or even may cause to death to horses.

      What stunning me that horses are not evacuated during Dorian hurricane currently. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane in North Carolina?

      Yes, the horses able to ride out the storms.

      This skill is inherited from their ancestors since 500 years ago.

  6. Los animales siente si se aproxima un peligro, y huyen antes de que ocurra.

    Muy buena entrada.

    1. Thanks-
      Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      Decorative horse head, illustration only

      The horses skillful to sense the bad weather such as hurricanes and heavy rains, then they respond by:
      - grouping together
      - going to higher ground
      - finding sturdy trees for protection

      Hope, the hurricane is over soon, and everything goes well and safe.

      # Previous postings:
      - Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Flash Flood at my Neighborhood - Nature 8

  7. interesting Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12


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