Monday, 16 August 2021

Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

Koplik 's Spots or small red spots in the soft palate mucosa
(CDC/ Heinz F. Eichenwald, MD)

You might not read the previous post:

Koplik Spots

Two or three days after initial symptoms, the small spots with white in the centers appear in the inside of the cheek or soft palate.

These spots look like grain of salt with red color as their background (reddish halo).

Their size are very small, about 1 or 2 mm.

Koplik's spots also can appear on the conjunctiva, and vaginal mucosa.

These red spots lesions can last for one or two days. See the picture below.

The measles rash.

Within 12 or 24 hours after the Koplik's Spots are shown, the rash or skin eruptions of measles will appear starting below the ear and spread over the body.

Cartoon, illustration only, credit: Shutterstock

After one or two day the rash can cover all around the body surfaces. When the rash is appearing, usually the fever is high.

The complications from rubeola could be very serious. It can cause ear infections, broncho-pneumonia, croup, and also inflammation in the brain.

The person who never get vaccine measles and the person who has problem with immune system, they are in high risk to get contagious of measles virus.

To prevent from the infection of measles, the series of shot measles vaccine are required.

The vaccine is live vaccine that combine with Rubella and Mumps (MMR).


  1. Replies
    1. yes, indeed....

      Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      Koplik 's Spots or small red spots in the soft palate mucosa
      (CDC/ Heinz F. Eichenwald, MD)

      You might not read the previous post:
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      Koplik Spots

      Two or three days after initial symptoms, the small spots with white in the centers appear in the inside of the cheek or soft palate.

      These spots look like grain of salt with red color as their background (reddish halo).

      Their size are very small, about 1 or 2 mm.

      Koplik's spots also can appear on the conjunctiva, and vaginal mucosa.

      These red spots lesions can last for one or two days. See the picture below.

      The measles rash.

      Within 12 or 24 hours after the Koplik's Spots are shown, the rash or skin eruptions of measles will appear starting below the ear and spread over the body.

    2. Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

  2. Todos são tem muito perigo para a saúde, em 2020 houve casos de sarampo em meu país, pessoas que chegaram refugiados, mas foram tratados com urgencia e os demais vacinados, inclisive toda população que tem riscos de contrair o sarampo.
    Agora, não tem registro de nenhum caso.

    tenha uma boa terça-feira.

    1. Thanks-
      Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      Cartoon, illustration only, credit: Shutterstock

      After one or two day the rash can cover all around the body surfaces. When the rash is appearing, usually the fever is high.

      The complications from rubeola could be very serious. It can cause ear infections, broncho-pneumonia, croup, and also inflammation in the brain.

      The person who never get vaccine measles and the person who has problem with immune system, they are in high risk to get contagious of measles virus.

      To prevent from the infection of measles, the series of shot measles vaccine are required.

      The vaccine is live vaccine that combine with Rubella and Mumps (MMR).

    2. Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

  3. Aqui no Brasil, quando eu era (bem!) mais novo, o sarampo era extremamente comum; raros os que não o contraíam. Com a vacina, felizmente, esse quadro mudou! Gostei do post. Meu abraço, boa semana!

    1. Thanks-
      Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      Koplik 's Spots or small red spots in the soft palate mucosa
      (CDC/ Heinz F. Eichenwald, MD)

      You might not read the previous post:
      - Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 1 – Healthy Life 11
      Koplik Spots

      Two or three days after initial symptoms, the small spots with white in the centers appear in the inside of the cheek or soft palate.

      These spots look like grain of salt with red color as their background (reddish halo).

      Their size are very small, about 1 or 2 mm.

      Koplik's spots also can appear on the conjunctiva, and vaginal mucosa.

      These red spots lesions can last for one or two days. See the picture below.

      The measles rash.

      Within 12 or 24 hours after the Koplik's Spots are shown, the rash or skin eruptions of measles will appear starting below the ear and spread over the body.

  4. Tremendo!
    Es importante vacunarse del sarampión.

    1. Thanks-
      Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11
      Cartoon, illustration only, credit: Shutterstock

      After one or two day the rash can cover all around the body surfaces. When the rash is appearing, usually the fever is high.

      The complications from rubeola could be very serious. It can cause ear infections, broncho-pneumonia, croup, and also inflammation in the brain.

      The person who never get vaccine measles and the person who has problem with immune system, they are in high risk to get contagious of measles virus.

      To prevent from the infection of measles, the series of shot measles vaccine are required.

      The vaccine is live vaccine that combine with Rubella and Mumps (MMR).

    2. Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

  5. awful ... take care Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11

    2. Measles Outbreak in a Recent year – Part 2 – Healthy Life 11


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