Monday, 2 August 2021

Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8

Illustration of Bipolar Disorder,
credit to Cleveland Clinic Health Essential

Bipolar disorder is “a brain disorder” relates to daily activities where moods may swing highly from low to high. Lower level refer to depression periods, while higher mood refers to mania periods.

In addition to moods, irregularity in activities and energy lead to unable cope with difficulty in daily live.

The exact caused of bipolar disorder is not known yet. However, the causes are suspected from internal and outside factors.

Hormonal imbalance in the body could trigger this mental diseases. Outside or environmental factors that may cause disorder include mental stress, abuse and traumatic events.

As reported by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in 2017 that “The average age-of-onset is about 25, but it can occur in the teens, or more uncommonly, in childhood.

The condition affects men and women equally, with about 2.6% of the U.S. population diagnosed with bipolar disorder and nearly 83% of cases classified as severe.”

Flowers in the garden

How many of 2.6%?

The number should be: 2.5% x 350 million = 9.1 million of USA population affected by bipolar disorder illness.

When the people ever experienced depression, mania and Hypomania, then they might develop bipolar disorder. Many signs of people enter early bipolar disorder such as stop (difficult) sleeping and loss focus.

They might not know, but the patients stop sleeping day by day will face severe conditions later on.

If patients or family bring the patient to see a doctor (family doctor), then the doctor may refer to the psychiatrist for treatments.


NAMI. 2017. Bipolar Disorder. Retrieved From:


  1. Replies
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      Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8

    2. Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8

  2. En mi trabajo, una amiga que como yo, raspaba también versos, vino a saberlo un día, que entró airada a la biblioteca, y me increpó porque teníamos relaciones erógenas con una amiga suya. Me dijo que cómo la cambiaba a ella, por su amiga. Y alternadamente, se tomaba unas gotas. Dejó en el escritorio, unos papeles que traía al descuido, y leí un diagnóstico médico: bipolar. ES una enfermedad terrible. Duro por los cambios emocionales.
    UN abrazo. carlos

    1. Thanks to visit-
      Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      Illustration of Bipolar Disorder,
      credit to Cleveland Clinic Health Essential

      Bipolar disorder is “a brain disorder” relates to daily activities where moods may swing highly from low to high. Lower level refer to depression periods, while higher mood refers to mania periods.

      In addition to moods, irregularity in activities and energy lead to unable cope with difficulty in daily live.

      The exact caused of bipolar disorder is not known yet. However, the causes are suspected from internal and outside factors.

      Hormonal imbalance in the body could trigger this mental diseases. Outside or environmental factors that may cause disorder include mental stress, abuse and traumatic events.

      As reported by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in 2017 that “The average age-of-onset is about 25, but it can occur in the teens, or more uncommonly, in childhood.

      The condition affects men and women equally, with about 2.6% of the U.S. population diagnosed with bipolar disorder and nearly 83% of cases classified as severe.”

    2. Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8

  3. They are annoying diseases to cope with for the patient himself and his family, although every day, I suppose, there are better medicines to treat them.
    Very interesting posts in your blog.

    1. Hopefully, Scientists will find soon...

      Thanks to visit-
      Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      Flowers in the garden
      How many of 2.6%?

      The number should be: 2.5% x 350 million = 9.1 million of USA population affected by bipolar disorder illness.

      When the people ever experienced depression, mania and Hypomania, then they might develop bipolar disorder. Many signs of people enter early bipolar disorder such as stop (difficult) sleeping and loss focus.

      They might not know, but the patients stop sleeping day by day will face severe conditions later on.

      If patients or family bring the patient to see a doctor (family doctor), then the doctor may refer to the psychiatrist for treatments.


      NAMI. 2017. Bipolar Disorder. Retrieved From:

  4. Conheço, porque infelizmente um dos meus melhores amigos é bipolar - sendo até entrevistado há muitos anos para um canal da televisão em Portugal.

    Uma doença terrível pela instabilidade.


    1. Thanks to visit-
      Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      Illustration of Bipolar Disorder,
      credit to Cleveland Clinic Health Essential

      Bipolar disorder is “a brain disorder” relates to daily activities where moods may swing highly from low to high. Lower level refer to depression periods, while higher mood refers to mania periods.

      In addition to moods, irregularity in activities and energy lead to unable cope with difficulty in daily live.

      The exact caused of bipolar disorder is not known yet. However, the causes are suspected from internal and outside factors.

      Hormonal imbalance in the body could trigger this mental diseases. Outside or environmental factors that may cause disorder include mental stress, abuse and traumatic events.

      As reported by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in 2017 that “The average age-of-onset is about 25, but it can occur in the teens, or more uncommonly, in childhood.

      The condition affects men and women equally, with about 2.6% of the U.S. population diagnosed with bipolar disorder and nearly 83% of cases classified as severe.”

    2. Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8

  5. Muy interesante amiga, una enfermedad terrible. Saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit-
      Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8
      Flowers in the garden
      How many of 2.6%?

      The number should be: 2.5% x 350 million = 9.1 million of USA population affected by bipolar disorder illness.

      When the people ever experienced depression, mania and Hypomania, then they might develop bipolar disorder. Many signs of people enter early bipolar disorder such as stop (difficult) sleeping and loss focus.

      They might not know, but the patients stop sleeping day by day will face severe conditions later on.

      If patients or family bring the patient to see a doctor (family doctor), then the doctor may refer to the psychiatrist for treatments.


      NAMI. 2017. Bipolar Disorder. Retrieved From:

  6. like to read Do You Know a Sign of Bipolar Disorder? - Healthy Life 8


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