Sunday, 25 July 2021

When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

Fig 01- Nuts of pine trees

We routine go shopping to our neighborhood Walmart super center for everything from grocery to medicine.

We noticed that there are plenty of trees planted in park lot areas. We guess those trees are pine trees like.

Here in Lousiana, we have several kind of pine trees, some of them are:

- The spruce pine tree (Pinus glabra)
- The longleaf pine tree (Pinus palustris)
- The loblolly pine tree (Pinus taeda)
- The slash pine tree (Pinus elliottii).
- The Virginia pine tree (Pinus virginiana)
- The shortleaf pine tree (Pinus echinata)

Pine trees mainly are evergreen, but some species change their leaves color to red to brown in the autumn, then fall down.

We know that leaves of pine trees at our neighborhood have changed colors during fall season. The tree and leaves re-grow in the spring.

Fig 02- Two pine trees at parking lot.

Fig 03- The trees produce nuts or seeds

We are quite surprising, after take a look closer to the branches that the trees are producing nuts or seeds at this time around, middle of May.

Like other trees in the northern hemisphere, the production followed the seasonal temperatures.

We read from literature that at least 20 species of pine trees produces nuts or seeds. Our pine nuts size is quite big enough with rounded shapes.

Most pine nuts are edible and good for sources of nutritional foods. Zero cholesterol and sodium.

Have you tried nuts of a pine tree?


  1. Si he probado nueces de pino, son deliciosas. Que buena informacion amiga. Saludos.

    1. Thanks-
      When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
      Fig 01- Nuts of pine trees

      We routine go shopping to our neighborhood Walmart super center for everything from grocery to medicine.

      We noticed that there are plenty of trees planted in park lot areas. We guess those trees are pine trees like.

      Here in Lousiana, we have several kind of pine trees, some of them are:

      - The spruce pine tree (Pinus glabra)
      - The longleaf pine tree (Pinus palustris)
      - The loblolly pine tree (Pinus taeda)
      - The slash pine tree (Pinus elliottii).
      - The Virginia pine tree (Pinus virginiana)
      - The shortleaf pine tree (Pinus echinata)
      Pine trees mainly are evergreen, but some species change their leaves color to red to brown in the autumn, then fall down.

      We know that leaves of pine trees at our neighborhood have changed colors during fall season. The tree and leaves re-grow in the spring.

    2. When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  2. Nunca provei, não.

    Gostei das fotos.

    Boa semana :)

    1. Thanks-
      When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
      Fig 02- Two pine trees at parking lot.

      Fig 03- The trees produce nuts or seeds

      We are quite surprising, after take a look closer to the branches that the trees are producing nuts or seeds at this time around, middle of May.

      Like other trees in the northern hemisphere, the production followed the seasonal temperatures.

      We read from literature that at least 20 species of pine trees produces nuts or seeds. Our pine nuts size is quite big enough with rounded shapes.

      Most pine nuts are edible and good for sources of nutritional foods. Zero cholesterol and sodium.

      Have you tried nuts of a pine tree?

    2. When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  3. I had never seen a pine like that, nor nuts like those. In addition, edible.
    They are possibly species that only live in that part of the world.
    Congratulations for such an interesting report and blog.

    1. Thanks-
      When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
      Fig 01- Nuts of pine trees

      We routine go shopping to our neighborhood Walmart super center for everything from grocery to medicine.

      We noticed that there are plenty of trees planted in park lot areas. We guess those trees are pine trees like.

      Here in Lousiana, we have several kind of pine trees, some of them are:

      - The spruce pine tree (Pinus glabra)
      - The longleaf pine tree (Pinus palustris)
      - The loblolly pine tree (Pinus taeda)
      - The slash pine tree (Pinus elliottii).
      - The Virginia pine tree (Pinus virginiana)
      - The shortleaf pine tree (Pinus echinata)
      Pine trees mainly are evergreen, but some species change their leaves color to red to brown in the autumn, then fall down.

      We know that leaves of pine trees at our neighborhood have changed colors during fall season. The tree and leaves re-grow in the spring.

    2. When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  4. informative When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

    1. Thanks-
      When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

    2. When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  5. Greetings from Trinidad🇹🇹
    Your pine trees are amazing

    My post is HERE


    1. Thanks-
      When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  6. Thanks-
    When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9

  7. Pine nuts….new to me….. Michelle


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