Thursday, 1 July 2021

Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6

Fig 01- Mid day in our neighborhood

As always, the southern states of USA have encountered hot summer temperatures, above 40 Celsius degree in certain times, and between July to August in the last few years.

The southern states include:

- Texas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Florida.

Unfortunately, two states in this June of this year, reached 44 Celsius degree. I think this is a kind of desert countries or middle east nations.

These two states usually quite mild temperature, about 10 Celsius degree. These north states in the area called “Pacific Northwest,” close to Canada.

What are the name of two states?

Why temperature is so hot?

Fig 02- Ice tea sold in many places

The name of two states in the “Pasific Northwest” region are:

- Washington, Seattle
- Oregon

Fig 03- The rainbow in the neighborhood

Strangely, Canada with temperature around 27 Celsius degree in the summer, has reached 32 Celsius degrees now days.

Why north America and Canada are so hot?

You might know the answer: Global warming.

Temperatures in some places in some countries have increased by about 2 to 5 Celsius degree.

Luckily, our southern state is still about 30 Celsius degree currently. The hottest so far.

We have rain almost every day, especially during June, temperature about 27 Celsius degree at mid day.

Rainbow appeared in the sky, looks so colorful (please see at Fig-03).

Night temperature is about 23 Celsius degree, the enjoy temperature to have a good sleep.

What is the highest temperature in your places?

Is it hotter than previous years?


  1. Aquí en Lorca 40 grados es normal, salen las lagartijas a darse una vuelta con cantimplora, ja ja ja.
    Buen finde y un abrazo.

    1. Thanks-
      Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6

    2. Thanks-
      Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      Fig 01- Mid day in our neighborhood
      As always, the southern states of USA have encountered hot summer temperatures, above 40 Celsius degree in certain times, and between July to August in the last few years.

      The southern states include:

      - Texas
      - Louisiana
      - Mississippi
      - Alabama
      - Florida.
      Unfortunately, two states in this June of this year, reached 44 Celsius degree. I think this is a kind of desert countries or middle east nations.

      These two states usually quite mild temperature, about 10 Celsius degree. These north states in the area called “Pacific Northwest,” close to Canada.

      What are the name of two states?

      Why temperature is so hot?

  2. Em Portugal, tivemos uma primavera fresca e chuvosa.
    As previsões para os meses de junho, julho e agosto eram de calor intenso, o que até agora não se verificou.
    Neste momento, por exemplo, está a chover.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks-
      Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6

    2. Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6

  3. Muchas gracias por tu visita y comentario.
    Mucha calor en Barcelona, pero bonito verano.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks-
      Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      Fig 01- Mid day in our neighborhood
      As always, the southern states of USA have encountered hot summer temperatures, above 40 Celsius degree in certain times, and between July to August in the last few years.

      The southern states include:

      - Texas
      - Louisiana
      - Mississippi
      - Alabama
      - Florida.
      Unfortunately, two states in this June of this year, reached 44 Celsius degree. I think this is a kind of desert countries or middle east nations.

      These two states usually quite mild temperature, about 10 Celsius degree. These north states in the area called “Pacific Northwest,” close to Canada.

      What are the name of two states?

      Why temperature is so hot?

  4. wow...Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6


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