Friday, 23 April 2021

What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

Katie Ruellia, blue and pink flowers

We all know “insomnia,” which affect on million people all over the world. In term of time length, there are two kinds of this sleep disorder:

1) Short term insomnia
- difficult to sleep from several days to weeks

2) Long term insomniacs
- difficult to sleep for months

Since Covid 19 pandemic, there is emerging a word called as “Coronasomnia.” Washington Post (September 3, 2020). Disorder is found in people who can not sleep for 5 months during pandemic.

The causes of Coronasomnia are varies, it could be such as:
- dismal of government response to the pandemic
- upset condition of love life.
- uncertain future
- don’t have clues to the end of pandemic crisis

Garage sales at our neighborhood, just for illustration.

Moreover, coronasomnia have devastating impact on public health problems, and lead to:
- low productivity
- heightened stress
- increase upset
- depression
- higher risk of hypertension.

Finally, do you experience Coronasomnia in recent days? Or during this Covid 19 pandemic?


  1. Great info. It's heavy insomnia. I followed your blog now. Thx

    1. thank to visit my blog-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

    2. What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

  2. Gracias por tu visita. Fantástica información, el insomnio es muy común y puede afectar a la rutina de muchas persona y más con todo esto que estamos viviendo.

    1. Thanks to visit-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Katie Ruellia, blue and pink flowers

      We all know “insomnia,” which affect on million people all over the world. In term of time length, there are two kinds of this sleep disorder:

      1) Short term insomnia
      - difficult to sleep from several days to weeks

      2) Long term insomniacs
      - difficult to sleep for months
      Since Covid 19 pandemic, there is emerging a word called as “Coronasomnia.” Washington Post (September 3, 2020). Disorder is found in people who can not sleep for 5 months during pandemic.

      The causes of Coronasomnia are varies, it could be such as:
      - dismal of government response to the pandemic
      - upset condition of love life.
      - uncertain future
      - don’t have clues to the end of pandemic crisis

    2. What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

  3. Muy buena explicación.
    El problema actual que padecemos puede afectar a la hora de dormir.
    Muchas gracias por tu visita.
    Un saludo.

    1. Thanks-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Garage sales at our neighborhood, just for illustration.

      Moreover, coronasomnia have devastating impact on public health problems, and lead to:
      - low productivity
      - heightened stress
      - increase upset
      - depression
      - higher risk of hypertension.

      Finally, do you experience Coronasomnia in recent days? Or during this Covid 19 pandemic?

    2. What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

  4. Mil gracias por pasar por mi blog.
    Te sigo.
    Un saludo.

    1. Thanks-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Katie Ruellia, blue and pink flowers

      We all know “insomnia,” which affect on million people all over the world. In term of time length, there are two kinds of this sleep disorder:

      1) Short term insomnia
      - difficult to sleep from several days to weeks

      2) Long term insomniacs
      - difficult to sleep for months

      Since Covid 19 pandemic, there is emerging a word called as “Coronasomnia.” Washington Post (September 3, 2020). Disorder is found in people who can not sleep for 5 months during pandemic.

      The causes of Coronasomnia are varies, it could be such as:
      - dismal of government response to the pandemic
      - upset condition of love life.
      - uncertain future
      - don’t have clues to the end of pandemic crisis

    2. What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2

  5. Duermo poco siempre y estoy acostumbrada, En tiempo de Pandemia, cuando el confinamiento ha sido más estricto, y no podiamos salir a caminar he dormido un poco peor.

    Bellas flores hay en tu blog.

    Gracias por dejar tu huella en mi Almacén.

    Un beso

    1. Thanks-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Garage sales at our neighborhood, just for illustration.

      Moreover, coronasomnia have devastating impact on public health problems, and lead to:
      - low productivity
      - heightened stress
      - increase upset
      - depression
      - higher risk of hypertension.

      Finally, do you experience Coronasomnia in recent days? Or during this Covid 19 pandemic?

  6. Muchas gracias por tu visita. La persona que padece insomnio sufre mucho y durante el dia no puede estar tan centrada.
    Las flores son preciosas.
    un abrazo

    1. Thanks-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Katie Ruellia, blue and pink flowers

      We all know “insomnia,” which affect on million people all over the world. In term of time length, there are two kinds of this sleep disorder:

      1) Short term insomnia
      - difficult to sleep from several days to weeks

      2) Long term insomniacs
      - difficult to sleep for months

      Since Covid 19 pandemic, there is emerging a word called as “Coronasomnia.” Washington Post (September 3, 2020). Disorder is found in people who can not sleep for 5 months during pandemic.

      The causes of Coronasomnia are varies, it could be such as:
      - dismal of government response to the pandemic
      - upset condition of love life.
      - uncertain future
      - don’t have clues to the end of pandemic crisis

  7. Gracias por la visita y te agradezco mucho. Te deseo un feliz sábado y vida sana. besos.

    1. Thanks-
      What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      Garage sales at our neighborhood, just for illustration.

      Moreover, coronasomnia have devastating impact on public health problems, and lead to:
      - low productivity
      - heightened stress
      - increase upset
      - depression
      - higher risk of hypertension.

      Finally, do you experience Coronasomnia in recent days? Or during this Covid 19 pandemic?

  8. nice to know What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2


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