Saturday, 6 March 2021

Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh - Art 1

Street in Montmartre, Paris, Painted by Van Gogh (1887)

We might know that Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter lived in several places in France:

- Auvers-sur-Oise
- Saint- Remy- de- Provence
- Arles
- Paris

Living in Paris was crucial for Van Gogh in respect to paintings, both number and quality of paintings.

Van Gogh produced about 224 painting during his two years, from March 1886 to February 1888, lived in Paris. Some of his paintings:

- Street in Montmartre, 1887
- Outskirt of Paris, 1886
- Vase with flowers, 1886
- View of Paris from near Montmartre, 1886
- View of the roof of Paris, 1886.

Outskirt of Paris, Painted by Van Gogh (1886).

One of his painting, Street in Montmartre, not shown for public since 1920, about 100 years.

This painting, then exhibited recently in cities of:

- London
- Amsterdam
- Paris

Some of us might wonder why Van Gogh has no paintings of Eiffel Tower? These following facts lead to answer:

- Van Gogh lived in Paris from March 1886 to February 1888
- Eiffel tower was built in 1887, and completed in 1889

Do you love Van Gogh’s paintings?



  1. Sus pinturas son magníficas.
    Lástima su atormentada vida.
    Muchas gracias por tu amable visita.
    Un saludo.

    1. Thanks-
      Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh
      Street in Montmartre, Paris, Painted by Van Gogh (1887)

      We might know that Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter lived in several places in France:
      - Auvers-sur-Oise
      - Saint- Remy- de- Provence
      - Arles
      - Paris

      Living in Paris was crucial for Van Gogh in respect to paintings, both number and quality of paintings.

      Van Gogh produced about 224 painting during his two years, from March 1886 to February 1888, lived in Paris. Some of his paintings:
      - Street in Montmartre, 1887
      - Outskirt of Paris, 1886
      - Vase with flowers, 1886
      - View of Paris from near Montmartre, 1886
      - View of the roof of Paris, 1886.

    2. Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh

  2. Las pinturas de Van Gogh tienen la virtud de que son el producto de su capacidad para dejar sobre la tela lo que quería, desde sus colores y su postimpresionismo, Diestro en el manejo de los colores y el objeto de sus paisajes o figuración. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks-
      Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh
      Outskirt of Paris, Painted by Van Gogh (1886).

      One of his painting, Street in Montmartre, not shown for public since 1920, about 100 years.

      This painting, then exhibited recently in cities of:
      - London
      - Amsterdam
      - Paris

      Some of us might wonder why Van Gogh has no paintings of Eiffel Tower? These following facts lead to answer:
      - Van Gogh lived in Paris from March 1886 to February 1888
      - Eiffel tower was built in 1887, and completed in 1889

    2. Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh

  3. A classe de Van Gogh é de tal forma insuperável, que não se pode dissociar da história da pintura.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks-
      Paris in the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh
      Street in Montmartre, Paris, Painted by Van Gogh (1887)

      We might know that Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter lived in several places in France:
      - Auvers-sur-Oise
      - Saint- Remy- de- Provence
      - Arles
      - Paris

      Living in Paris was crucial for Van Gogh in respect to paintings, both number and quality of paintings.

      Van Gogh produced about 224 painting during his two years, from March 1886 to February 1888, lived in Paris. Some of his paintings:
      - Street in Montmartre, 1887
      - Outskirt of Paris, 1886
      - Vase with flowers, 1886
      - View of Paris from near Montmartre, 1886
      - View of the roof of Paris, 1886.


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