Sunday, 21 March 2021

How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

A wild duck in the city lake

Based on my own experienced that the number of birds decreased dramatically in my backyard in the last 7 years.

We did not observe red belly woodpeckers at all in the last couple years. Other birds not seen or very rare to show up in our garden:

- blue jay

- Mourning dove

- Carolina wren

- Carolina chickadee

- Northern Mockingbird 

- American Crow

- other migratory birds

In fact, a scientist from UK as reported by Guardian (2004) and supported by the United Nation report (UN, 2019) estimated 1 million species will extinct by 2050.

Then, there are a lot of lists of animals will be disappeared in the very near future worldwide. 

A Canadian geese on the side of lake

Top 10 animals expected to extinct soon are (Newsweek, 2020):

- Sumatran Rhino

- Lange's Metalmark Butterfly

- Māui dolphin

- Red Wolf

- Kauai Akepa

- Chinese Pangolin

- Attwater's Prairie Chicken

- Florida Grasshopper Sparrow

- Vaquita

- Alabama Sturgeon

Who is the main actor as the greatest threat to survival of animals?

The absolute answer is human being!

What human being had done to contribute to lead to depletion of species? Here they are:

- pouching

- destruction of habitats

- burning fossil fuel which cause climate changes.

So sad!!


  1. Sin duda, es muy lamentable.
    Una pena.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks-
      How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4
      A wild duck, just for illustration
      Based on my own experienced that the number of birds decreased dramatically in my backyard in the last 7 years.

      We did not observe red belly woodpeckers at all in the last couple years. Other birds not seen or very rare to show up in our garden:

      - blue jay

      - Mourning dove

      - Carolina wren

      - Carolina chickadee

      - Northern Mockingbird

      - American Crow

      - other migratory birds

      In fact, a scientist from UK as reported by Guardian (2004) and supported by the United Nation report (UN, 2019) estimated 1 million species will extinct by 2050.

      Then, there are a lot of lists of animals will be disappeared in the very near future worldwide.

    2. How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  2. Triste realidad, pero asi es la vida, todo se ira extinguiendo. Un gusto leerte. Saludos.

    1. Thanks-
      How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4
      A Canadian geese, just for illustration.

      Top 10 animals expected to extinct soon are (Newsweek, 2020):
      - Sumatran Rhino
      - Lange's Metalmark Butterfly
      - Māui dolphin
      - Red Wolf
      - Kauai Akepa
      - Chinese Pangolin
      - Attwater's Prairie Chicken
      - Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
      - Vaquita
      - Alabama Sturgeon

      Who is the main actor as the greatest threat to survival of animals?

      The absolute answer is human being!

      What human being had done to contribute to lead to depletion of species? Here they are:
      - pouching
      - destruction of habitats
      - burning fossil fuel which cause climate changes.

      So sad!!

    2. How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4

  3. Boa noite!
    Que tristeza!
    O humano é o pior inimigo das espécies em extinção!
    Um beijinho recheado de esperança!
    Megy Maia👄💗👄

    1. hanks-
      How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4
      A wild duck, just for illustration

      Based on my own experienced that the number of birds decreased dramatically in my backyard in the last 7 years.

      We did not observe red belly woodpeckers at all in the last couple years. Other birds not seen or very rare to show up in our garden:

      - blue jay
      - Mourning dove
      - Carolina wren
      - Carolina chickadee
      - Northern Mockingbird
      - American Crow
      - other migratory birds

      In fact, a scientist from UK as reported by Guardian (2004) and supported by the United Nation report (UN, 2019) estimated 1 million species will extinct by 2050.

      Then, there are a lot of lists of animals will be disappeared in the very near future worldwide.

  4. Compartilho consigo a preocupação sobre os problemas ambientais, que colocam em causa a sobrevivência das espécies.
    Abraço solidário.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks-
      How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4
      A Canadian geese, just for illustration.

      Top 10 animals expected to extinct soon are (Newsweek, 2020):
      - Sumatran Rhino
      - Lange's Metalmark Butterfly
      - Māui dolphin
      - Red Wolf
      - Kauai Akepa
      - Chinese Pangolin
      - Attwater's Prairie Chicken
      - Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
      - Vaquita
      - Alabama Sturgeon

      Who is the main actor as the greatest threat to survival of animals?

      The absolute answer is human being!

      What human being had done to contribute to lead to depletion of species? Here they are:
      - pouching
      - destruction of habitats
      - burning fossil fuel which cause climate changes.

      So sad!!

  5. Hello,
    Great shot of the Mallard. It is sad to see birds and animals are disappearing. Humans are a treat to the animals and ourselves.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks-
      How Many Animals Are Expected to Extinct by 2050? - Nature 4
      A wild duck, just for illustration

      Based on my own experienced that the number of birds decreased dramatically in my backyard in the last 7 years.

      We did not observe red belly woodpeckers at all in the last couple years. Other birds not seen or very rare to show up in our garden:

      - blue jay
      - Mourning dove
      - Carolina wren
      - Carolina chickadee
      - Northern Mockingbird
      - American Crow
      - other migratory birds

      In fact, a scientist from UK as reported by Guardian (2004) and supported by the United Nation report (UN, 2019) estimated 1 million species will extinct by 2050.

      Then, there are a lot of lists of animals will be disappeared in the very near future worldwide.

  6. I saw a blue jay yesterday, but it was in the forest not a back yard. - Margy

  7. Sorry for late comment. Now, I'm back from my surgery...

    ...and it's again a great pleasure that your post being part at


    Greetings by Heidrun


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