Saturday, 13 February 2021

Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2

Comparison of 4 different vaccines

The third clinical trials of Russian Covid 19 vaccine, Sputnik V has been published in the England medical journal, the Lancet (2021).

Sputnik effective rate is 92%, almost similar to American vaccines (Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer) which is 95%.

The advantages of Russian vaccine compared to American vaccines are following (in term of):

- price (about US$10 only)

- storage (able to be stored in regular fridge temperature)

Compared to UK’s vaccine, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V is clearly better in respect to effective rate.

If you read mainstream medias recently that South Africa government stop to conduct trials of AstraZeneca vaccine.

It is because the vaccine is not effective to control new strain from South Africa, called as 20H/ 501Y. V2 or B.1. 351.

Please read:

- Can Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Contains New Variants? - Virus 37.

However, the developer of Sputnik V believes that the vaccine works against Covid 19 new strains.

Whatever, people have plenty of choices, and hope, the vaccines are available in the market soon.


  1. Buena información sobre el desarrollo y efectividad de las vacunas. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you to visit-
      Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2
      Comparison of 4 different vaccines
      The third clinical trials of Russian Covid 19 vaccine, Sputnik V has been published in the England medical journal, the Lancet (2021).

      Sputnik effective rate is 92%, almost similar to American vaccines (Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer) which is 95%.

      The advantages of Russian vaccine compared to American vaccines are following (in term of):

      - price (about US$10 only)

      - storage (able to be stored in regular fridge temperature)

      Compared to UK’s vaccine, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V is clearly better in respect to effective rate.

      If you read mainstream medias recently that South Africa government stop to conduct trials of AstraZeneca vaccine.

      It is because the vaccine is not effective to control new strain from South Africa, called as 20H/ 501Y. V2 or B.1. 351.

      Please read:

      - Can Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Contains New Variants? - Virus 37.

      However, the developer of Sputnik V believes that the vaccine works against Covid 19 new strains.

      Whatever, people have plenty of choices, and hope, the vaccines are available in the market soon.

    2. Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2

  2. Em Portugal, a vacina AstraZeneca foi inicialmente desaconselhada para maiores de 65 anos. Posteriormente foi-lhe levantada essa restrição.
    Resta-nos aguardar pelos resultados finais das vacinações.
    A esperança é muita e o regresso à normalidade um imperativo e uma necessidade.
    Abraço solidário.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thank you to visit-
      Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2
      Comparison of 4 different vaccines

      The third clinical trials of Russian Covid 19 vaccine, Sputnik V has been published in the England medical journal, the Lancet (2021).

      Sputnik effective rate is 92%, almost similar to American vaccines (Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer) which is 95%.

      The advantages of Russian vaccine compared to American vaccines are following (in term of):
      - price (about US$10 only)
      - storage (able to be stored in regular fridge temperature)

      Compared to UK’s vaccine, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V is clearly better in respect to effective rate.

      If you read mainstream medias recently that South Africa government stop to conduct trials of AstraZeneca vaccine.

      It is because the vaccine is not effective to control new strain from South Africa, called as 20H/ 501Y. V2 or B.1. 351.

      Please read:
      - Can Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Contains New Variants? - Virus 37.

      However, the developer of Sputnik V believes that the vaccine works against Covid 19 new strains.

      Whatever, people have plenty of choices, and hope, the vaccines are available in the market soon.

  3. Que bueno es estar bien informado,
    sobre la realidad de las vacunas,
    muchas gracias.

    Besitos dulces


    1. Thank you to visit-
      Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2
      Comparison of 4 different vaccines

      The third clinical trials of Russian Covid 19 vaccine, Sputnik V has been published in the England medical journal, the Lancet (2021).

      Sputnik effective rate is 92%, almost similar to American vaccines (Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer) which is 95%.

      The advantages of Russian vaccine compared to American vaccines are following (in term of):
      - price (about US$10 only)
      - storage (able to be stored in regular fridge temperature)

      Compared to UK’s vaccine, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V is clearly better in respect to effective rate.

      If you read mainstream medias recently that South Africa government stop to conduct trials of AstraZeneca vaccine.

      It is because the vaccine is not effective to control new strain from South Africa, called as 20H/ 501Y. V2 or B.1. 351.

      Please read:
      - Can Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Contains New Variants? - Virus 37.

      However, the developer of Sputnik V believes that the vaccine works against Covid 19 new strains.

      Whatever, people have plenty of choices, and hope, the vaccines are available in the market soon.

    2. Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2

  4. intersting post Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2

    2. Russian Covid 19 Vaccine Advantages – Science 2


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