Saturday, 22 March 2025

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very super friendly critter!

Image - A super friendly bunny.

We believe a bunny definitely someone’s pet. I was able to pick it up! We give her a carrot and vegetable.

However, she will enjoy dry dogfood. Don't know why. We would like to keep it, but our dog would lose her mind.

Other worries that an owl or coyote gets ahold of it. Then we called several institutions and nonprofit organizations or NGO, including:
- Rabbit rescue
- Pet shelters

Hope, she will be safe and protected!!

# Previous postings:

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

A Self-Service Honey Stand at Neighborhood - Food 49

We have some beekeepers close by our neighborhood. They have "artificial" bee hives in their yards.

Image 01 - The honey stand at neighborhood

Some of them have rented open spaces to put their hives.  Sure, beekeepers harvest honey and sell it regularly to who interests in its. 

We visit the honey stand at certain corners in the recent weekend, actually, there are several self-service honey stands. 

3 sizes of honey that are sold: 
1) 13 oz, US$10
2) 7 oz, US$6
2) 4 oz, US$5

Image 02 - Local honeybee.

In addition to honey, this local industry helps to pollinate crops around the neighborhood.

Image 03 - Bee hives at open space.

Do you interest with local honeybee production?

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 13 March 2025

The Assassin Bug in the Yard - Nature 152

We saw this bug in our garden recently. After searching from internet, we believe the bug is called as an Assassin Bug.

Image - Eastern Blood-Sucking Conenose Bug 

The bug scientific name is Zelus longipes, a beneficial assassin bug that feeds on aphids and other garden pests.

Our areas known for its humid and warmer climate, the common garden pest may include:
- Leafhoppers
- Whiteflies
- many kinds of insect species

Hence, it is good to have the Assassin Bugs in our gardens. Just be careful not to touch them. They definitely bite.

Do you recognize ihe Assassin Bug in your garden?

# Previous Postings:

Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Pagoda Plant or Giant Salvia? - Nature 151

Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plants.

Image 01 - Pagoda plant 

We believe the plant is Pagoda plant with scientific name Clerodendrum paniculatum. The simple reasons:
- colors of flowers are red-orange
- well grow in our warm areas

Giant Salvia (Salvia spp) have several colors of flowers such as:
- blue
- purple 
- pink and red

Image 02 - Wild plant, illustration

Our judgement is supported by GoogleID. Actually, we may find both Pagoda and Salvia plants in our areas.

Image 03 - The red-orange flowers.

Do you know about Pagoda and Salvia plants?

# Previous postings:

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A Sweet Polish Chicken - Nature 150

Many people raising chicken in their backyard for fresh eggs and or meat, but others just for fun.

Image 01 - Crest on the head.

A Sweet Polish Chicken is one of popular breeding for fun in our areas, others include:
- Silkies
- Cochins
- Bantams
- Sussex
- Ameraucanas

Image 02 - Ageratum, wildflower, illustration only

Another interesting breeding is 
Wyandotte. In addition to beautiful feather and calm behavior, this chicken produce quite good eggs.

Image 03 - Not sleep in the coop. 

Do you know about a Sweet Polish Chicken?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads. 

Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppers

The tastes are delicious and juicy. Some people like them added to a spinach leaf and grilled chicken salad.

There are probably still about 100 tomato and some peppers blossoms in our garden, ready to be picked up in second terms. Some neighbors grow okra, herbs, basils, tangerine, satsuma and Myers lemon. Others discouraged to plant anything due to:
- squirrels
- voles
- and other vermin

Image 02 - Okra, fresh ones.

We believe a cat could deter squirrels to enter our yard. However, Cayote could attack cats or other small pets.

Image 03 - Tabasco peppers

How do you like yours?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Herd of Goats at Neighborhood

We just saw for a herd of goat grazing on the grass at our neighborhood recently. This is the first time for us, and we don't know the owners yet.

Image - A Herd of Goats, grazing on the grass.

We thought that this is just the cutest thing. Not for the owners but definitely our smile for the day.

Some suggest that it could be a new lawn service. It's gotten out of hand. At least the goats don't have to come out and give you an estimate. They just get the job done, no questions asked.

There are lots of businesses that can be hired to bring herds of goats to clear out overgrown properties or "mow" a field.

It's a cute business model -- the goats eat free, the property owner gets beneficial "soil amendments," and the goat owner gets paid for the effort of hauling them around.

We've never seen it here!

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...