Wednesday, 6 October 2021

When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

Botox Cosmetic Injections (Credit: Noravector/

Every time I get out from my house, I always pass the nice building with big signs of the professional names in the medical fields, the services, and the treatments.

The building is located at the intersect of a quite drive and a busy traffics with 5 traffic lines.

The nice building looks not so busy among the:

- restaurants
- bakery
- and sandwich fast food.

Because the parking lot is in rear of the building, the clients get in and out with the good manners through the quite drive.

There is a Cosmetic Center that serves vary of treatments, including cosmetic surgeries, hair loss replacement, and medical spa.


Cup cakes, just illustration.

The services are all what we need to treat and fix in our hair, eyes, face, body, breast, and skin.

The building is okay, nothing wrong. The led signs are still blinking with the facilities and services. I knew that this Cosmetic Center is the first Botox Cosmetic in my state.

Lately, I just have an imagination about one of their services, Botox, and the smile of camels.

Sounds good to me, Botox Cosmetic for the human beauty. I just wondered about the beauty of camel last year. How come camels got Botox Cosmetic and had a negative reputations.

# To be continued to Part 2


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

    2. When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

  2. Beauty procedure is now fashionable, there are people who do not need it, but they do botox.

    good night friend, great friday

    Little kisses

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      Botox Cosmetic Injections (Credit: Noravector/
      Every time I get out from my house, I always pass the nice building with big signs of the professional names in the medical fields, the services, and the treatments.

      The building is located at the intersect of a quite drive and a busy traffics with 5 traffic lines.

      The nice building looks not so busy among the:

      - restaurants
      - bakery
      - and sandwich fast food.

      Because the parking lot is in rear of the building, the clients get in and out with the good manners through the quite drive.

      There is a Cosmetic Center that serves vary of treatments, including cosmetic surgeries, hair loss replacement, and medical spa.


    2. When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16


  3. Will camels be smarter than humans? lol...
    Have a nice weekend, my dear friend.

    1. hehehe...

      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      Cup cakes, just illustration.

      The services are all what we need to treat and fix in our hair, eyes, face, body, breast, and skin.

      The building is okay, nothing wrong. The led signs are still blinking with the facilities and services. I knew that this Cosmetic Center is the first Botox Cosmetic in my state.

      Lately, I just have an imagination about one of their services, Botox, and the smile of camels.

      Sounds good to me, Botox Cosmetic for the human beauty. I just wondered about the beauty of camel last year. How come camels got Botox Cosmetic and had a negative reputations.

      # To be continued to Part 2

    2. When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

  4. Interesante todo.
    Gracias por tu visita

    1. When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

  5. Yo creo que hay que aceptar el paso del tiempo.
    No es fácil pero creo que es sano mentalmente.

    1. When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16

  6. Olá amiga!
    Relendo e admirando cada palavra sua!
    Passando para desejar um feliz fim de semana

  7. Olá, amiga!
    Artigos muito interessantes aqui nos apresentas.
    Boa sorte!
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      Cup cakes, just illustration.

      The services are all what we need to treat and fix in our hair, eyes, face, body, breast, and skin.

      The building is okay, nothing wrong. The led signs are still blinking with the facilities and services. I knew that this Cosmetic Center is the first Botox Cosmetic in my state.

      Lately, I just have an imagination about one of their services, Botox, and the smile of camels.

      Sounds good to me, Botox Cosmetic for the human beauty. I just wondered about the beauty of camel last year. How come camels got Botox Cosmetic and had a negative reputations.

      # To be continued to Part 2

  8. Interesante el reportaje.
    Buen día.

  9. interesting facts When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16


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